#126: Create a wiki page for magazine covermount information
Reporter: pfrields | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: F14a: Pre-alpha
Component: other | Severity: urgent
Keywords: |
We often get inquiries from magazines asking for permission to bundle one
or more Fedora discs with a future issue. This is a fairly routine
process as long as the disc is an unmodified copy of Fedora media (i.e. an
official release). Some interaction with Red Hat Legal is required to
send out an agreement to the magazine.
We can speed up that interaction and the overall process if we have a page
that tells magazines what they need to provide, and to whom, for a
covermount agreement. Generally we need the following information, sent
to the ''press(a)fp.o'' address:
* The name (d/b/a) and address of the company producing the magazine
* The exact disc(s) that are to be bundled
* Contact information for the person making the request
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/126>
marketing-team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
Marketing team for the Fedora project.
#125: SSSD F13 feature -- press blog entry
Reporter: pfrields | Owner: pfrields
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: F14a: Pre-alpha
Component: Feature Stories | Severity: urgent
Keywords: meeting |
I had suggested this earlier to Robyn -- a press blog entry for Red Hat's
PR channel (http://press.redhat.com) that would synopsize and point to our
interview on the wiki. However, Robyn's pretty busy right now. Kara
Schiltz from Red Hat's PR department is willing to publish something next
I'm going to pick this up and drive it forward, my way of helping this
week on something Marketing related!
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/125>
marketing-team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
Marketing team for the Fedora project.
The analogy being made at Red Hat is that Aeolus is like Fedora, the
Linux project led by Red Hat whose work feeds into Red Hat Linux, and
whose features can often foreshadow what is coming in the next version
of Red Hat's Linux disro.
Nice piece of history for those who are new to Fedora
"During the Core-Extras merger, being able to use Koji was a huge help
to Fedora. While some integration work was required, all other options
would have demanded much more effort. Red Hat had already been building
pre-merger versions of Core in an early version of Koji, so the
transition was simply less drastic. Furthermore, Koji's robust XML-RPC
interface allowed other parts of Fedora infrastructure to tie in with
relative ease. Over the past four years, Koji has shown its flexibility
as Fedora's needs have changed"
"The alpha uses Linux kernel 3.0, but versions released from late
September or early October are expected to move to version 3.1. It
includes the alpha version of KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.7.0, and GNOME
3.1.5 will provide a foretaste of GNOME 3.2. The development team has
also replaced further init scripts with systemd units. Systemd replaced
upstart in Fedora 15. The planned switch to using Btrfs as the default
file system has been deferred to a future version."
"The GNOME Shell for version 3.2 is not radically different, but still
nicer than early versions of Ubuntu's Unity desktop (granted, Unity in
Ubuntu 11.10 is also becoming more friendly and polished). Fortunately,
Fedora is always shipping with the latest open-source graphics drivers
and other core components, so the GNOME Shell should work relatively
well on Radeon / Nouveau / Intel"
"The feature list contains 40 items, including GNOME 3.2 and KDE Plasma
Workspaces 4.7. The developers are planning to switch to using Grub2 for
the boot loader. Having switched to systemd, as an alternative to
sysvinit and upstart, in Fedora 15, the project plans to replace further
sysv init scripts with systemd units in version 16. Furthermore, Fedora
is to offer everything that's required for Xen virtualisation, as
version 3.0 of the Linux kernel, which is now expected to be released on
Friday, will include all the necessary components."
"Historically, fonts have been a weak point in free software. There were
probably two reasons: first, programmers were mostly indifferent to
fonts, and, second, font designers were concerned about how their work
might be used. However, in the last five years, the problem has been
largely corrected, as a look at the Google Web Fonts page shows."
"KOCHI: The Federal Institute of Science and Technology will organise a
two-day national conference on Free Open Source Software. The conference
organised by the Computer Science Department of FISAT and the FISAT Free
Software Cell will be held on FISAT campus on August 26 and 27.
In the two-day meet, Praseed Pai, author of ‘Slang For .net’, will speak
on Cross Platform Development. Shakti Kannan, Ambassador of Fedora,
Pune, and Ranjith Siji, Chief Technology Officer of Walking Ant
Technologies will speak on other sessions