Hi Gabriele,
Thanks for the welcome and the explanations. I'll look at the tickets
you told me.
Unfortunately I could not attend the last meeting, but I intend to
become active in #fedora-mktg and in the meeting channel.
I did a quick search this afternoon and I realized that in Brazil there
are more than 63,000 active / legalized radio amateurs. Only in my
region are 4,531 people. The same applies to other amateurs worldwide.
This is a very segmented target so that we can act together, since we
have several applications packaged to the needs of these people.
I can also cite Scout groups who also deal with amateur radio, another
interesting audience to be worked in that sense. It would be interesting
that we could make Fedora a popular distro between them.
Fedora offers some spin labs and l think it would be nice for the
project to offer a spin lab called Fedora Amateurs or Fedora Hams. This
would facilitate us to reach that audience, but I'll start thinking
about other tactics as well.
I'm not sure how such thing could be done, but I can make a current list
of interesting software to this public already available in the system -
our wiki "Applications for Amateur Radio" doesn't seem 100% up to date.
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> 3. Re: Finished questionnaire (Gabriele Trombini)
> 4. Re: Finished questionnaire (Jan Kurik)
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