In August, 24th, 25th and 26th happened the III Festival de Software
Livre da Bahia (3rd Bahia Free Software Festival). It's an event with
participants from all over Brazil.
Hugo Cisneiros presented a lecture about Fedora. We (Othon Batista,
Hugo Cisneiros and Cristiano Furtado, Brazilian Fedora Project)
distributed 100 DVD with Fedora Core 5, 200 flyers with Fedora Project
information and 200 pens. We also took part in the "Install Fest",
helping installing Fedora Core 5 in the user's computers. Beyond that,
we had a Fedora stand with laptops running Fedora Core 5.
Othon Batista (othonbatista(a)gmail.com)
Computer Science MSc
Fedora Ambassador in Salvador/BA - Brazil