#126: Create a wiki page for magazine covermount information
Reporter: pfrields | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: F14a: Pre-alpha
Component: other | Severity: urgent
Keywords: |
We often get inquiries from magazines asking for permission to bundle one
or more Fedora discs with a future issue. This is a fairly routine
process as long as the disc is an unmodified copy of Fedora media (i.e. an
official release). Some interaction with Red Hat Legal is required to
send out an agreement to the magazine.
We can speed up that interaction and the overall process if we have a page
that tells magazines what they need to provide, and to whom, for a
covermount agreement. Generally we need the following information, sent
to the ''press(a)fp.o'' address:
* The name (d/b/a) and address of the company producing the magazine
* The exact disc(s) that are to be bundled
* Contact information for the person making the request
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/126>
marketing-team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
Marketing team for the Fedora project.
#125: SSSD F13 feature -- press blog entry
Reporter: pfrields | Owner: pfrields
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: F14a: Pre-alpha
Component: Feature Stories | Severity: urgent
Keywords: meeting |
I had suggested this earlier to Robyn -- a press blog entry for Red Hat's
PR channel (http://press.redhat.com) that would synopsize and point to our
interview on the wiki. However, Robyn's pretty busy right now. Kara
Schiltz from Red Hat's PR department is willing to publish something next
I'm going to pick this up and drive it forward, my way of helping this
week on something Marketing related!
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/125>
marketing-team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
Marketing team for the Fedora project.
"The Fedora Project has released an alpha version of Fedora 17; which
is planned to be released at the beginning of May. It already contains
the essential improvements that the developers wanted to implement.
These include "Usrmove", the widely reported plan to adapt the file
system structure and move all applications and libraries under the
/usr/ directory."
"As with the ports for PowerPC and s390x, to avoid getting in the way of
work on the primary x86-32/x86 and x86-64/x64 architectures, the ARM
port is currently classed as a "secondary architecture". Fedora's ARM
developers are, however, mulling over working to elevate the ARM port to
the status of primary architecture in Fedora 18.'
'$25-Raspberry Pi school computer to run cut-down Fedora
Early adopters of the Raspberry Pi $25 computer will be offered a cut
down and customised Fedora 'remix' compiled to run on the system's ARM
microprocessor, it has been confirmed.
The first Raspberry Pi is just bare circuit board for now but developers
at Toronto's Seneca College have worked hard to fit a Fedora image on to
a 2GB SD card to boot the computer into a GUI, complete with a small
suite of applications and admin tools.'
'Fedora 16 KDE is fine for what it is, but frankly it left me feeling
rather ho-hum. There’s not a heck of a lot to complain about, but
there’s also nothing to get really fired up about either. It’s a
competent version of KDE, but it’s not something I would opt to run'
'Fedora Scientific was a classic case of scratching my own itch.
Once I moved into research, I soon discovered a plethora of open source
scientific tools and libraries that I used. Installing them everytime I
did a fresh install of Linux seemed time consuming and redundant.
I longed for a Linux distro which would already have these tools
installed and allow me to have a fully functional Linux workstation from
the first boot. And then I started looking at the tools available for
creating Fedora custom spins and was convinced that my project could now
be a reality.'
'The Fedora Project has put back plans to make Btrfs its default
filesystem. It will now take over the role in Fedora 18, rather than in
version 17 as originally planned. That is the conclusion based upon an
amendment to the Fedora 17 planning page on the Fedora wiki and a ticket
in the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) tracking system.
The May release of the Linux distribution will therefore retain ext4 as
its default filesystem.'
My name is Nitesh Narayan Lal and I am studying in Manipal, Karnataka, India . My Fedora Account System (FAS) user name is niteshnarayan, and my IRC nick is niteshnarayanlal.
I have listed the details of my earlier projects in my wiki [1] . A Few of those projects are also available on my github profile [3].
I have been working on fedora-video project, the details of which are located here: video_tutorials wiki page [2].
It's been quite a while for me since I started working on this project , with the help of Tatica , MarkDude , FranciscoD and many others ,now it is gaining momentum.
I have organized a few Linux and Fedora events , but, unfortunately I didn't prepare a report. I do have photos available. But on 8th March 2012 I will be organizing a Fedora Introductory Session in MIT Manipal India for the folks here. I had also filed a ticket ([4]) for getting the SWAG .I had listed all the required details of my Event on the wiki page [5].
I have done some contributions in fedora-video so I would love to be in the official mktg team of fedora.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Niteshnarayan
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Niteshnarayan/video_tutorials
[3] https://github.com/niteshnarayanlal
[4] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/18
[5] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Niteshnarayan/OpenTalks
Nitesh Narayan Lal