#126: Create a wiki page for magazine covermount information
Reporter: pfrields | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: F14a: Pre-alpha
Component: other | Severity: urgent
Keywords: |
We often get inquiries from magazines asking for permission to bundle one
or more Fedora discs with a future issue. This is a fairly routine
process as long as the disc is an unmodified copy of Fedora media (i.e. an
official release). Some interaction with Red Hat Legal is required to
send out an agreement to the magazine.
We can speed up that interaction and the overall process if we have a page
that tells magazines what they need to provide, and to whom, for a
covermount agreement. Generally we need the following information, sent
to the ''press(a)fp.o'' address:
* The name (d/b/a) and address of the company producing the magazine
* The exact disc(s) that are to be bundled
* Contact information for the person making the request
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/126>
marketing-team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
Marketing team for the Fedora project.
#125: SSSD F13 feature -- press blog entry
Reporter: pfrields | Owner: pfrields
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: F14a: Pre-alpha
Component: Feature Stories | Severity: urgent
Keywords: meeting |
I had suggested this earlier to Robyn -- a press blog entry for Red Hat's
PR channel (http://press.redhat.com) that would synopsize and point to our
interview on the wiki. However, Robyn's pretty busy right now. Kara
Schiltz from Red Hat's PR department is willing to publish something next
I'm going to pick this up and drive it forward, my way of helping this
week on something Marketing related!
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/125>
marketing-team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
Marketing team for the Fedora project.
#128: Press Release for FUDCon KL 2012
Reporter: izhar | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Future releases
Component: FUDCon | Severity: urgent
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
Could we have a press-release for FUDCon KL 2012 which is happening this
May?. We are planning to distribute it to local newspapers and news sites.
We are originally planning to produce our own but FPL said that marketing
might want to do and approve it.
In term of dateline, .. erm .. is 27th March too short?, or more than
enough?. The earlier the better of course
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/128>
marketing-team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
Marketing team for the Fedora project.
Hey Hi All ,
>From my side we have a team of 3 judges as of now , I had updated it on [1] . And I think Mark would also had finished his final video for the contest till now . Probably tomorrow Ankur (FranciscoD) would make his final review of the wiki page [1] .
Tomorrow we will be having a final review of everything just to make sure that everything is at its place .
Once that's done we have to focus on publicity of the event properly as that's one of the most important part .
After all this we will be good to announce the Contest officialy .
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Videos/FedoraVideos_Contest_Intro/Outro
Nitesh Narayan Lal
Fedora Videos Meeting Minutes.
That's was great Meeting Thank you for coming.
Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-06-28/fedora_videos_28…
Minutes (text):
Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-06-28/fedora_videos_28…
Action items
FranciscoD spell, grammar check the contest page
FranciscoD give contest page finising touches
FranciscoD find out if it's possible to get a voting system for videos
FranciscoD niteshnarayanlal see MarkDude 's video and give feedback
MarkDude email tatica and sign up as moderator
niteshnarayanlal email tatica and sign up as moderator
thunderbirdtr email tatica and sign up as moderator
MarkDude will talk Nixie about joining Videos judgement
Onuralp SEZER
Fedora Ambassadors EMEA Member / Turkey
Fedora Translations Turkish Team Member
"This move is mainly aimed to make the installation of Fedora hassle
free. It will also provide a smoother initial experience for new users
of the Fedora desktop and let them configure essential parts of GNOME
so that they have a fully functional desktop after going through the
initial setup."
Do we have the video for the contest ready ? even if not I think we already have the draft made by FranciscoD so I think we can announce the event . Although if it is possible that we can get the video done in next 2 or 3 days then we can surely wait for that .
Nitesh Narayan Lal