#126: Create a wiki page for magazine covermount information
Reporter: pfrields | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: F14a: Pre-alpha
Component: other | Severity: urgent
Keywords: |
We often get inquiries from magazines asking for permission to bundle one
or more Fedora discs with a future issue. This is a fairly routine
process as long as the disc is an unmodified copy of Fedora media (i.e. an
official release). Some interaction with Red Hat Legal is required to
send out an agreement to the magazine.
We can speed up that interaction and the overall process if we have a page
that tells magazines what they need to provide, and to whom, for a
covermount agreement. Generally we need the following information, sent
to the ''press(a)fp.o'' address:
* The name (d/b/a) and address of the company producing the magazine
* The exact disc(s) that are to be bundled
* Contact information for the person making the request
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/126>
marketing-team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
Marketing team for the Fedora project.
#125: SSSD F13 feature -- press blog entry
Reporter: pfrields | Owner: pfrields
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: F14a: Pre-alpha
Component: Feature Stories | Severity: urgent
Keywords: meeting |
I had suggested this earlier to Robyn -- a press blog entry for Red Hat's
PR channel (http://press.redhat.com) that would synopsize and point to our
interview on the wiki. However, Robyn's pretty busy right now. Kara
Schiltz from Red Hat's PR department is willing to publish something next
I'm going to pick this up and drive it forward, my way of helping this
week on something Marketing related!
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/125>
marketing-team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
Marketing team for the Fedora project.
#128: Press Release for FUDCon KL 2012
Reporter: izhar | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Future releases
Component: FUDCon | Severity: urgent
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
Could we have a press-release for FUDCon KL 2012 which is happening this
May?. We are planning to distribute it to local newspapers and news sites.
We are originally planning to produce our own but FPL said that marketing
might want to do and approve it.
In term of dateline, .. erm .. is 27th March too short?, or more than
enough?. The earlier the better of course
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/128>
marketing-team <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing>
Marketing team for the Fedora project.
Hi folks,
It appears g+ doesn't have a mechanism to set who you'd like to receive
event invitations from yet. At the moment, everyone in a circle you
invite gets invited, whether they follow you or not.
In this case, the invitation is going a little towards spamming. We
aren't the only ones that are having issues with the event system and
google devs appear to be working on improving the it already. However,
until they can sort it out to allow users to limit who they want to
receive invitations from, I suggest we pause the fedora test day
invitations on G+? All fedora community folks that receive the
invitations sort of send out invites to their circles, and it isn't
looking pretty :/
Maybe we can just limit it to "posts" about test days rather than
"events" and "invites"? (People aren't that finicky about posts
Warm regards,
Ankur: "FranciscoD"
Please only print if necessary.
Looking to contribute to Fedora? Look here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Join_SIGhttp://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ankursinhahttp://dodoincfedora.wordpress.com/
I'll be out of town and not likely near a computer during the meeting,
so unless someone has something to discuss and wants to volunteer to run
it (it's not hard, I promise!), you can have back that hour of your
week. :-)
I've been thinking about a process for getting press mentions from
Google Alerts into the wiki. Here are my initial thoughts on a
I'm thinking we can do this with a script that takes the Alerts RSS
feed for a particular language (I set up a bunch at
http://venus1-jeb.rhcloud.com/) parses out date, link, title and
author (in the goog alerts rss feed, author = publication), and sends
out this info to the marketing list, formatted for cutting and pasting
into the wiki.
A member of the marketing team would then check out the links to see
that they are in fact press mentions, take note of the Author of the
piece (since the google alert doesn't include this), and paste them
into the wiki page.
It could happen once per week, and would arrive at the list looking
something like this:
Hi, for the week of $WEEK, here are the English press mentions from
Google Alerts. Please have a look at these links, and paste them into
the page at $WHERE if they look good. Take note of the Author of the
item, and include that information when you paste it into the wiki.
When you're done, please reply to this message on the list so we know
it's already handled.
| Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
| [http://www.url-of-article Title of Article]
| Publication name
| Notes
| Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
| [http://www.url-of-article Title of Article]
| Publication name
| Notes
Other thoughts:
1. I played around a bit w/ feedparser
(http://packages.python.org/feedparser/introduction.html) which
should do for writing this script.
2. It may be good to record the items harvested in a mysql db, and
dedupe them based on URL.
3. The URLs in google alerts come wrapped in google tracking stuff,
and that'll have to be removed by the script.
4. The same script could format things a bit differently and send the
mentions to the FWN list as a proto-In the News blurb, to help
automate that, as well.
5. I figure this can be hosted in openshift.
6. If we wanted, we could populate the "Notes" field with the blurb
from the rss entry.
7. Might be cool for the script to go look at the URL and try to
figure out the author, and addtl info, perhaps as a future rev
I'll get going on this, and as soon as I have something to look at,
I'll put it in github and send out the link.
Regards, Jason
Just a reminder Fedora Video Contest [1] has already started on 5th September and will be ending on 5th October 2012. So if u still haven't submitted your entry then make it quick and make it count .
Show everyone what you are capable of and how creative you are .
We are waiting for your entry .
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Videos/FedoraVideos_Contest_Intro/Outro
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Nitesh Narayan Lal
yesterday, I went across an article [1] that writes about how Fedora
uses Google+ to attract people to testing.
"It’s great to see the Fedora project leveraging emerging social media
like Google+ in order to gain valuable feedback from the community,
though this effort doesn’t seem to have garnered the sort of interest
the the project might have liked."
I restarted our G+ page just a few days ago and it's already drawn some
interest. The author says that 200 signed up for a test day is not a big
success, but just because he doesn't know the reality of test days where
average attendance is 10-15 ppl.
Those things really make a difference! I'd love to see someone to do the
same on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca, Diaspora,... because we can reach
much more people.