Hi folks.. I would like to suggest to change the Header and Footer images on the wiki to match the latest release of Fedora... i think a DNA blend in the graphic will give it a more vibrant look and with even better graphics coming every new release the Fedora website will look refreshing and new in just one change...
Regards Siddharth
Hi, I think that is a good idea but why do not use the design of fedora 7. there will be more beautiful and upgraded with the context. thxs
2007/2/26, Siddharth Upmanyu siddharth@techbugs.org:
Hi folks.. I would like to suggest to change the Header and Footer images on the wiki to match the latest release of Fedora... i think a DNA blend in the graphic will give it a more vibrant look and with even better graphics coming every new release the Fedora website will look refreshing and new in just one change...
Regards Siddharth
-- Fedora-marketing-list mailing list Fedora-marketing-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-marketing-list
Rex Dieter wrote:
Siddharth Upmanyu wrote:
I would like to suggest to change the Header and Footer images on the wiki to match the latest release of Fedora...
fedora-artwork has that as one of their tasks, to theme the wiki.
This does not, and *should not* (IMHO) involve keeping up with the release 'themes' however.
On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 13:04 -0500, Máirín Duffy wrote:
Rex Dieter wrote:
Siddharth Upmanyu wrote:
I would like to suggest to change the Header and Footer images on the wiki to match the latest release of Fedora...
fedora-artwork has that as one of their tasks, to theme the wiki.
This does not, and *should not* (IMHO) involve keeping up with the release 'themes' however.
Moving this discussion to f-websites-l (reply-to set).
- Karsten
Hi Siddharth
I agree with you, but I like we implement the new graphical charter (Fedora 7) on Fedora Projet Web site when we release and launch the new version. It's better in term of Fedora image and it's a major modification for the community.
Do you agree this idea ?
Best Regards
----- Original Message ----- From: Siddharth Upmanyu To: fedora-websites-list@redhat.com ; fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com ; fedora-marketing-list@redhat.com Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 4:09 PM Subject: [Ambassadors] Suggestion @ Fedoraproject / Wiki
Hi folks.. I would like to suggest to change the Header and Footer images on the wiki to match the latest release of Fedora... i think a DNA blend in the graphic will give it a more vibrant look and with even better graphics coming every new release the Fedora website will look refreshing and new in just one change...
Regards Siddharth
-- Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list Fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list
(cross-posting to clear up where this discussion should land)
On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 20:39 +0530, Siddharth Upmanyu wrote:
Hi folks.. I would like to suggest to change the Header and Footer images on the wiki to match the latest release of Fedora... i think a DNA blend in the graphic will give it a more vibrant look and with even better graphics coming every new release the Fedora website will look refreshing and new in just one change...
This is an interesting idea. It is a different practice than the past. To be clear, you are suggesting that starting now, we re-fresh the look of the Website to match the graphical look of the current release of Fedora.
The best (and only) place to discuss this is on fedora-websites-list (Reply-to set), or by filing a bug report with examples/graphics/patches attached. f-ambassadors-l is for Ambassador business and event discussion, while f-marketing-l is a strategic marketing list.
- Karsten