Hi, we're just a few weeks away from the release of long awaited Fedora 18 and we have just a few registered release parties: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_events
APAC has done a good job, but EMEA has only one release party currently, and LATAM and NA not a single one.
Fedora 18 is going to be a great release and release parties are a great opportunity to show the release to users. They're really important from from the marketing perspective and are usually a lot of fun, too.
That's why FAmSCo would like to encourage you to organize one in your city, university,... Fedora Project can help you cover costs related to release party organizing and don't forget that FAmSCo has announced a contest in which organizers of the best release party in each region will be given $80 to have a nice dinner.
Jiri on behalf of FAmSCo