Hi Fedora Marketing list,
Some great folks I know are organizing a cross-community working group about Open Source Marketing. There is a lot of knowledge and experience in this mailing list.
It would be great to have a participant to rep the Fedora Community side of things. Thought I would pass along the opportunity since it is just getting started.
- Justin
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [Sustain Open Source Forum] [👥 Working Groups] Marketing Working Group Kick-off Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2020 01:37:01 +0000 From: Richard Littauer via Sustain Open Source Forum
[RichardLitt] RichardLitt https://discourse.sustainoss.org/u/richardlitt Richard Littauer September 2
Marketing is super hard right now, for everyone. COVID has tightened a lot of belts, and going on Twitter is like going into the Fire Swamp.
But people still have awesome projects that need funding, marketing, and sharing. I’d like to talk about how we do that, today, and to share resources and provide help for people who need it.
This would be a continuation of the Marketing WG from the Sustain event in February, although it would be slightly changed due to the nature of the world.
If you are at all interested in figuring out how to fund open source projects, I think this will be a really productive working group.
Here’s the Doodle: https://doodle.com/poll/g74nn7hhi34c9n2u for next week. Please sign up with your free times!
Our first task is to figure out how to have a productive discussion about marketing that has actual deliverables. I’m excited!
Hopefully, see some of you soon.
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