Logs at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#2009.
Many thanks to everyone for all their hard work during the F12 cycle!
From Paul: "Thank you to *everyone* on the Marketing team for all the hard work you did for this release. It's one of the best we've had, IMHO, from the standpoint of interested, energetic people helping with marketing content and tasks. The one-page release notes are stunning, the interviews were great, the interaction with other teams was phenomenal, and I want to say from the bottom of my heart, again -- thank you all! You help make Fedora the special community it is :-)"
(This was immediately followed by much +1-ing, cheering, and celebrating by those present.)
Next week's meeting will be a sprint to make Fedora case studies; Sakis is leading us and will let us know what we need to do to prepare.
F12 press looks *awesome.* We will continue to monitor F12 press with the [in the news] tag on this mailing list; Robyn is also making a press page on the wiki for us to collect them in a somewhat easier to read format.
Also, looking forward to F13: we've set December 8th's meeting as our Big "What Are We Doing?" planning session, which gives us 3 weeks to do all sorts of experimentation, brainstorming, talking on IRC, phone calls, in-person meetups (at FUDCon and beyond). We'll then get all the ideas we like written up - probably on the wiki - and do the final round of target-setting for F13 on 12/8. The intent is to make sure that everyone (regardless of whether they can make FUDCon or not, or make that IRC time or not, etc.) gets a (more) equal chance to put their cool "I'm going to do *this!*" Marketing plans forth.
So keep those ideas coming! Probably the best way to do this is to open a new ticket (https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/newticket - FAS login needed) and set the milestone to "future releases" but we'll do a nice sweep before 12/8 and catch everything we can.
Minutes below.
1. Roll call (mchua, 20:04:29) 2. Agenda (mchua, 20:08:35) 1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#Agenda (mchua, 20:08:39)
3. YAY F12 IS OUT (mchua, 20:09:37) 4. Status of F12 deliverables (mchua, 20:13:54) 1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Talking_Points (mchua, 20:14:27) 2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F12_release_slogan (mchua, 20:14:33) 3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:F12_in-depth_features (mchua, 20:14:39) 4. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_one_page_release_notes (mchua, 20:15:38)
5. Monitoring F12 press: what have you seen so far? (mchua, 20:18:25) 1. ACTION: mchua take people up on their offer from last week to lead the F12 charge on social media sites (mchua, 20:23:02) 2. https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-marketing-list (mchua, 20:31:31) 3. For F13: synchronize the FPL's mailing list announcement with submission to major news sites (mchua, 20:35:18) 4. Nice to see the [in the news] material hitting the Marketing list to keep people up to date on press (mchua, 20:35:38) 5. ACTION: asamaras to start case studies page on wiki, ping Marketing list for additional case studies (mchua, 20:40:29) 6. Next week's meeting: CASE STUDY SPRINT! (mchua, 20:41:09) 7. asamaras is driving the case study sprint (mchua, 20:41:57)
6. # (mchua, 20:42:17) 7. Collecting ideas for F13 (mchua, 20:42:26) 8. open floor (mchua, 20:48:56) 1. ACTION: rbergeron starting a F12 press tracking/collecting/indexing wiki page (mchua, 20:53:10) 2. IDEA: press monitoring system that archives links in the wiki, and announces to the mktg list, and pings channel, when someone finds a new PR link on Fedora. (mchua, 20:55:49)
Meeting ended at 21:03:06 UTC (full logs).
Action items
1. mchua take people up on their offer from last week to lead the F12 charge on social media sites 2. asamaras to start case studies page on wiki, ping Marketing list for additional case studies 3. rbergeron starting a F12 press tracking/collecting/indexing wiki page