How about "Fedora Synergy"? That name implies the effort from both community and
developers and the fact it is the base of several distribution like Red Hat
Enterprise Linux and One Laptop Per Child.
Luya Tshimbalanga
Fedora Project contributor
Hello Ambassadors,
One of my personal initiatives over the last couple of months has been
"revivifying" a Linux User Group in my area that apparently went dormant
some time ago. We should have about a dozen members by the time you
read this, and hopefully our publicity push (through and after the
holidays) should result in some more membership increases. This is my
first time participating in or running a LUG, so the HOWTO has been
informative, but so also might be any other organizers' advice. Feel
free to discuss this on-list, since it's pertinent to many who want to
spread Fedora love.
Paul W. Frields, RHCE
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
Fedora Project Board:
Fedora Docs Project:
Here are some of the photos taken during the linux conference FOSS.IN
(banglore 24-26nov).
Take a look
thank you ~
Rohan Dighe
Fedora Ambassador India.
Kushal Das who's an ambassador and a contributor gave a talk at the
event regarding FEDORA EXTRAS and it was really great event ~
Thanks to everyone.
With regards to the migration project, the migration of the servers went smoothly except for the RAS and our ERP. For the ERP, I already installed Compiere and Oracle in an FC5 machine ( It is currently being evaluated in our system. For the RAS, I still have no idea how to set it up with Linux, though I can configure a dial-in using mgetty. Another problem I encountered was the installation of mod_perl2 to apache for our calendar server though this one is already solved using PHP and MySQL.
With the desktops, our Phase 1 is to install FC6 and FreeBSD to at least 20 initial users with KDE (I personally prefer Gnome) so that the menus will still look like with Windows. There are numerous initial positive feedbacks which include:
A. Faster conversion of open office files to PDF files
B. Faster browser (Firefox)
C. Secured email (Kmail + Spamassasin)
On the technical side, the issues we encountered relate to Java Run-time and Flash plug-ins. We our now on Phase 2 where we stabilize networking between Windows, Fedora and BSD. We're currently working on samba and cups for the printing. Our target users of open-source platform in the office is more than a hundred in 3 months time.
E. Fabian
----- Original Message ----
From: Sam Folk-Williams <samfw(a)>
To: Emerson Richt Fabian <efabian(a)>; fedora-ambassadors-list(a)
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:51:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Introduction
On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 19:17 -0800, Emerson Richt Fabian wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm Emer Fabian. I'm a new ambassador for the Philippines. I work as
> sysad to a local company and currently managing the migration of our
> desktop and server oses to Fedora6 and Freebsd6.1. So far, I only
> encounter problems with printer sharing using samba/cups and the
> delayed migration of our erp that still uses peachtree and hopefully
> to be migrated to compiere by the start of next year.
Sounds like an interesting project. I'd be curious to know how many
desktops we're talking about and any other feedback you have from the
> Regards,
> E. Fabian
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email
> and get things done faster.
> --
> Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list
> Fedora-ambassadors-list(a)
Sam Folk-Williams, RHCE
Technical Account Manager
Red Hat
(919) 754-4558
Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list
Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.
Hi everyone,
I'm Emer Fabian. I'm a new ambassador for the Philippines. I work as sysad to a local company and currently managing the migration of our desktop and server oses to Fedora6 and Freebsd6.1. So far, I only encounter problems with printer sharing using samba/cups and the delayed migration of our erp that still uses peachtree and hopefully to be migrated to compiere by the start of next year.
E. Fabian
Cheap talk?
Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.
Back from Vanlug meeting. There were about 40 people attending to the
event despite the bad weather. The majority of attendees use Debian
distribution. However, they were very open as some of them did not touch
Fedora Core since the first release.
I felt nervous for the presentation but it went very well. I took the
opportunity to demonstrate Sugar interface from OLPC project which
attracts a lot of attention, a presentation of Fedora Core 6 and the
Too bad I did not bring the livespin of Fedora Core 6 because I use a
laptop provided by a local computer store. Worse, the Fedora Core 6 DVDs
came too late after the event. Some of them are given to a local
computer store owner who is willing to provide the system for a
demonstration and some of attendees. The remaining will be given to the
public interested in Linux.
Despite these incidents, the audience were pleased with the presentation
available on the <a
href="">wiki</a> under the
title <a
Fedora Project</a>.
Reported by,
I'm moving soon to Brno, Czech Republic, and I am not sure about how
long I will stay there.
I have been spreading Fedora in Tunisia, not only media, but also
helping people to get used to it, free assistance, creation of a
community , etc.
My question is, after moving to Czr, shall I keep being Ambassador for
Tunisia, can I be ambassador for Brno (I don't speak Czech and I don't
know almost anybody there), ...
Thanks and best regards,