Hello fellow ambassadors!
For those of you who may not have yet heard, I'm the new Fedora
Engineering Manager inside Red Hat. You can think of it this way: If
Paul Frields is Captain Kirk, I'm Mr. Spock. ;)
Since Paul can't be everywhere, we've decided that we'll be sharing some
of the load on conference attendance. I'll let Paul speak to what he has
on his calendar, but here is what I have penciled in on mine (I haven't
updated the wiki yet, but I will, I promise):
Feb 8th - 10th, 2008 - SCALE 6X - Los Angeles, CA, USA
Feb 23rd - 24th, 2008 - FOSDEM - Brussel, Belgium
March 14th - 16th, 2008 - PyCon - Chicago, IL, USA
May 28th - 31st, 2008 - LinuxTag - Berlin, Germany
July 23rd - 26th, 2008 - Linux Symposium - Ottawa, Canada
Oct 10th - 11th, 2008 - Ohio LinuxFest - Columbus, OH, USA
This is by no means a complete list, it is simply what I've got penciled
in right now. If there is an event that you would like me to attend on
behalf of Fedora, please let me know, and I'll see if I can work it in.
Also, if anyone could give me a recommendation for lodging at FOSDEM
(preferrably in the same place as other Fedora folks), I would be very