Thank you for this info, I'm planning several short presentations about
Fedora Project at the University of Galati, Romania, and I did not know from
where / how to get Fedora 11 CDs / DVDs.
Today we will have a coordination meeting for fudcon managua 2014
Meeting will be held in IRC at Freenode server channel #fudcon-planning
Today July 6th at 3:00pm UTC.
Best regards
Linux User # 473217
I am not yet an ambassador, however I would like to participate in the
FAD at Phnom Penh. Can I? If yes, are there any chances of getting
travel reimbursement?
FAS name: mohanprakash
IRC nick: mpduty
Hi fellow Ambassadors,
I would like to invite you to FAD Phnom Penh in Cambodia, which will take
place there from 14th - 16th of November.
What we want to achieve there is to make plans for 2015, create a budget
for APAC and find out how we can improve the work of the Ambassadors of the
APAC region. We would like to see if from most countries a representative
can be there.
But as you can see the budget is limited, so we can not sponsor everybody
there and would prefer if you can pay at least partly the costs for the
We will be hosted by Development Innovations, an educational organization,
we will have good rooms for the FAD there and also arrange that you can
participate remotely to reduce the costs.
So if you are interested in joining the FAD go to the wiki page and
register there.
ដោយទីគោរព (Best Regards)
Bonjour à tous,
Je ne serai pas là, vacances loin d'Internet obligent...
Le 25 août 2014 08:30, Reminder <reminder(a)fedora-fr.org> a écrit :
> This mail is a reminder for today's meeting for the French speaking community.
> 2014-08-25 / 20:30 (hour of Paris)
> IRC: freenode
> #fedora-meeting-1
> Ce mail est un rappel pour la réunion de la communauté francophone, qui aura lieu ce lundi (25 août) à 20h30 heure de Paris sur IRC (freenode) #fedora-meeting-1 .
> L'ordre du jour est disponible depuis cette page :
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Réunions_hebdomadaires_de_la_French_team
> N'hésitez pas à le modifier pour rajouter des sujets qui vous semblent intéressants.
> Merci de répondre à ce message en cas d'indisponibilité.
> _______________________________________________
> fr-users mailing list
> fr-users(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fr-users
This mail is a reminder for today's meeting for the French speaking community.
2014-08-25 / 20:30 (hour of Paris)
IRC: freenode
Ce mail est un rappel pour la réunion de la communauté francophone, qui aura lieu ce lundi (25 août) à 20h30 heure de Paris sur IRC (freenode) #fedora-meeting-1 .
L'ordre du jour est disponible depuis cette page :
N'hésitez pas à le modifier pour rajouter des sujets qui vous semblent intéressants.
Merci de répondre à ce message en cas d'indisponibilité.