Thank you for this info, I'm planning several short presentations about
Fedora Project at the University of Galati, Romania, and I did not know from
where / how to get Fedora 11 CDs / DVDs.
The F12 talking points have been released, and are ready for use (and
improvement!) Many thanks to Steven Moix, Paul Frields, and Jon Roberts
for their hard work.
Talking points (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talking_points) are key
features of the new release that we want to point out. There are
different types of talking points for different types of people: users,
developers, sysadmins, and more. They are meant to answer the question
"so what cool stuff is in the latest release of Fedora?"
Reading the talking points should get someone who's *not* necessarily
already a member of the Fedora community excited. (This is something
that I think the talking points could still use some help with; which
ones are unclear? Which ones don't get you as excited yet?) Please take
a look at the talking points and think about how you'd like to use them
for F12 outreach - and if you can think of a better way of phrasing
something, or think something should be improved, please let us know (or
use the wiki and just make the change yourself).
Ambassadors in particular: how can we turn these talking points into
marketing materials that will help you spread the word?
Hello there,
The 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and
Systems, ICECS 2009 [1], will be held in Tunisia on the 13th to 16th
December 2009.
The wiki page [2] says we have 7 ambassadors in Tunisia. Can anyone of
you represent FEL at that conference ?
Tasks include:
- writing and sending a paper (will be done by me)
- prepare local ambassadors with the talking points (will be done by me)
- attend the conference and distribute your Fedora business cards (eat
good food too :) )
- if our paper is selected by the chair, the ambassador will give a
brief introduction about Fedora&FEL
You may find other publications, screenshots and presentations on [3].
I believe that FEL should be sending papers to technical conferences
around the world. These papers will describe our opensource EDA
solutions and Fedora's key features eventually.
If you are aware of such conferences in your locality, please let me know :)
[1]: http://www.icecs2009.org/
[2]: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/CountryList#Africa
[3]: http://chitlesh.fedorapeople.org/FEL
Kind regards,
Hi guys!
In the city of Popayan (Cauca - Colombia) was performed the Encuentro de
Tecnologias de la Informacion y Comunicacion Libre Securinf V3 (Meeting of
the Free Information Technologies and Communication Securinf V3), an event
framed by free software, web 2.0 and ethical hacking.
I quote:
"Fedora Project Colombia, attended with a conference where we highlight
fundamental security aspects of GNU / Linux oriented Fedora, Fedora Project
presented itself as open community who says welcome to new partners around
the world, and for first time, we did free delivery of over 40 DVDs (Fedora
11 i386), the beggining what will be the Free Media program in our country."
More information:
http://proyectofedora.org/colombia/?p=922 (Spanish link)
Diego Escobar
Fedora Ambassador for Colombia
Fedora Release 11 (Leonidas): Linux Kernel 2.6.29 + KDE 4.3
Ohh today GLUG nit hamirpur have organized the quiz and people are waiting
for the organizer and they are not their...
Event may be canceled because of the following things...
1. Organizer may not know the venue for quiz.
2.May quiz is not prepared.
With Regards
>From the Participant of the Quiz
Last September 19th at Universidad Centroamericana by third year in a
row it was hold Sofare Freedom Day at Nicaragua. It was organized by
local user groups of Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu, in cooperation with
the University local user group, and all under the flag on Nicaraguan
GNU/Linux User Group (GUL-NIC by its acronymic in Spanish).
The event expanded from 8:00 am to 5:00pm with more that 500 people
officially registered. But as there were some areas with free access,
many people didn’t registered. Along the day there conferences for
beginners and advanced, workshops, install fest, demos, games and a
booth area for LUGs, business and projects.
The Fedora booth has many visitors, it was crowded most of the time.
Visitors were able to try Fedora 11 using two machines with KDE and
Gnome respectively. There were distributed for free 59 Install DVD, 25
KDE LiveCD, 25 Gnome LiveCD. There were Fedora temporary tattoos for
people who attend to the Fedora booth. On sale there was Fedora
T-shirts (30), Fedora 11 Games spin (11) and stickers on three
different versions.
On the install area, Fedora was number two in installs totaling 4 ( 3
netbooks and 1 desktop). There was evidence of the public’s interest
toward our distro and also to participate within the local group.
There was a flyer distributed containing information regarding Fedora,
both as a Operative System as a Community.
GUL-NIC also held a concert named Libera Tu Mouse 3 (Free Your Mouse
3), and it was organized by rockonola.com where several disc with free
music were distributed (released under Creative Commons). Logos from
the local groups organizing the event were projected, of course
included Fedora.
GNU/Linux User # 480 207
Hello All,
Here is my somewhat limited blog report for the half day I was able to
attend LinuxCon 09 in Portland.
I was sick and couldn't attend the rest of it, perhaps the others who were
there will have their own reports.
Matt M.