Thank you for this info, I'm planning several short presentations about
Fedora Project at the University of Galati, Romania, and I did not know from
where / how to get Fedora 11 CDs / DVDs.
We will like to invite people to post their request for sponsorship to
attend FUDCon Managua 2014. The official dates are October, 23rd to 25th
We let you know in advance that we have a short budget and traveling in
Latin America is expensive, so we will have to select people. Don't be
surprise if we have to pick people offering similar topics located
closer to the event location.
So, it will be a requisite to have at least one talk, but we expect more
from each person. Beyond talks we have a computer lab for workshop. We
want hand on workshops focus on transferring skills to collaborate to
Fedora Project. We also will provide space for hacking. We will like to
have a productive event, so we will favor people that will produce new
collaborators, or things done. So please provide a small description of
the talks, workshops, hacking that you propose and include your expected
Request will be handled on Fudcon Planning trac
You can submit your request starting today until July, 18th. If you
already submitted a request feel free to update your ticket before the
dead line with the information requested. We do not have prices defined
for accommodation. So leave this out on your request.
Best regards
Linux User # 473217
This mail is a reminder for today's meeting for the French speaking community.
2014-06-30 / 20:30 (hour of Paris)
IRC: freenode
Ce mail est un rappel pour la réunion de la communauté francophone, qui aura lieu ce lundi (30 juin) à 20h30 heure de Paris sur IRC (freenode) #fedora-meeting-1 .
L'ordre du jour est disponible depuis cette page :
N'hésitez pas à le modifier pour rajouter des sujets qui vous semblent intéressants.
Merci de répondre à ce message en cas d'indisponibilité.
Hello everyone,
unfortunately tonight's meeting is postponed while only 5 people
(including me) attended. Three of them where Greek and all 4 of them
have requested funding for Flock.
That's why I am not feeling comfortable running a meeting where we are
going to discuss a crucial topic such as raising the limit of Flock
requests from $200 to $300 while all attendees have filled a funding
That's why I am proposing FAmSCo to take action and decide if the
limit should me raised.
Have a nice night.
Christos Bacharakis
People interested on be part of Latinoware 2014 call for paper is Open,
send you paper proposals http://2014.latinoware.org/?p=2488 and be part
of one of the biggest free software events on Latam.
Sponsorship is open by Latinoware organization for speakers.
A los interesados en participar en Latinoware 2014 en Foz do Iguaçu,
Brazil realicen sus propuesta de charla a la organización del evento
http://2014.latinoware.org/?p=2497 la organización ayuda con patrocinio
para asistir al evento a los oradores aprobados.
It was agreed that a meeting for fudcon planning for Managua 2014 event
will be held tonight. I regret that I have to cancel this meeting. I
have been swamp with other stuff and there is no advance to report or
Local team will have a face to face meeting tomorrow. I plan to address
the issue of "hit by a bus scenario". So we can keep moving forward.
We should meet next Saturday July, 5th.
Best regards
Linux User # 473217
Um dos maiores eventos de segurança da informação do Brasil acontece agora
em Fortaleza em 19/07/2014.
Mais informações:
Quem tiver interesse de palestrar sobre o fedora ou participar do evendo
como rolde pode me procurar que encaminho para a organização do evento.
Teve aqui em minha cidade(Salvador) e foi um secesso, tive a oportunidade
de distribuir algumas mídias do fedora e falar com o público sobre a
GNU/Linux user:#536163
Fedora Project - Ambassador
-------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: [Linux-aus] PyCon Australia 2014 has revealed its programme!
> Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 14:38:20 +1000
> PyCon Australia is very proud to be able to reveal our programme for
> the 2014 conference, to be held on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 August
> 2014, following our Miniconfs on Friday 1 August.
> Following a record-breaking response to our Call for Proposals, the
> conference will feature three full tracks of presentations, across two
> days, covering all aspects of the Python ecosystem, presented by
> experts and core developers of key Python technology. Our presenters
> cover a broad range of backgrounds, including industry, research,
> government and academia.
> PyCon Australia is a great place to keep up-to-date with the latest
> trends in Python web technology: Django lead developer, Simon Willison
> will be presenting "A new default web stack". We have many experts in
> their fields, including CPython core developer, and Brisbane local,
> Nick Coghlan who will present some "elegant and ugly hacks in
> CPython".
> As well as DjangoCon AU and the OpenStack miniconf, the main
> conference will feature talks on testing, deployment, and optimisation
> of Python-based web apps. For the first time this year we're also
> having a miniconf dedicated to talks on using Python in the Sciences.
> This year, talks on growing the Python Community make up a large
> amount of our programme, with "The Curse of the Django Podcast" by
> Elena Williams exploring the role of community-driven media, and Anna
> Gerber's "PyBots! or how to learn to stop worrying and love coding"
> covering approaches to Python in education.
> We've also made sure that beginners, or people looking to brush up on
> their Python skillset, have a clear path through the conference.
> Starting with Peter Lovett's "Python 101+" tutorial, you can rapidly
> enhance your knowledge of Python, and then you can attend our general
> stream talks to glean a snapshot of the state of the art in Python.
> The full schedule for PyCon Australia 2014 can be found at
> http://2014.pycon-au.org/programme/schedule
> Registrations for PyCon Australia 2014 are now open, with prices
> starting at AU$50 for students, and tickets for the general public
> starting at AU$220. All prices include GST, and more information can
> be found at http://2014.pycon-au.org/register/prices
> We're looking forward to seeing this excellent programme brought to
> life at PyCon Australia 2014, in Brisbane, this August.
> === About PyCon Australia ===
> PyCon Australia is the national conference for the Python Programming
> Community. The fifth PyCon Australia will be held on August 1--5, 2014
> in Brisbane, bringing together professional, student and enthusiast
> developers with a love for developing with Python. PyCon Australia
> informs the country’s Python developers with presentations, tutorials
> and panel sessions by experts and core developers of Python, as well
> as the libraries and frameworks that they rely on.
> To find out more about PyCon Australia 2014, visit our website at
> http://pycon-au.org or e-mail us at contact(a)pycon-au.org.
> PyCon Australia is presented by Linux Australia (www.linux.org.au) and
> acknowledges the support of our Platinum Sponsors, Red Hat, and
> Eventbrite; and our Gold sponsors, Google Australia and Netbox Blue.
> For full details of our sponsors, see our website.
> --
> --Christopher Neugebauer
> Jabber: chrisjrn(a)gmail.com -- IRC: chrisjrn on irc.freenode.net --
> WWW: http://chris.neugebauer.id.au -- Twitter: @chrisjrn
> _______________________________________________
> linux-aus mailing list
> linux-aus(a)lists.linux.org.au
> http://lists.linux.org.au/listinfo/linux-aus
Warm regards,
Ankur (FranciscoD)
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