Dear *,
As I have already written it to Damien Durand, I have reserved a
booth - actually a table of 2m width - for
Fedora at the Fosdem as well as a dev room - conference room - that we
should share alternatively with the CentOS People.
This is the both confirmation from the Fosdem Team :
> This is the official confirmation that your request for a Developer Room
> at FOSDEM 2007 has been accepted and booked.
> The room at your disposal will be H.2214 (capacity is 100 seats),
> - - Saturday: 14:00 -> 19:00
> - - Sunday: 09:00 -> 18:00
>>This is the official confirmation that your request for a stand/booth at
>>FOSDEM 2007 has been accepted and booked.
>>Number of stands for your project: 1
>>All stands are located in the hallway of the main building (H).
>>The stand(s) will be at your disposal,
>>- - Saturday: 14:00 -> 18:00
>>- - Sunday: 09:00 -> 18:00
I have already contacted RedHat Benelux in order to let them know that we
will be their.
They will be their too at the same booth as well as Jboss Benelux.
In addition, someone from Jboss should do a presentation.
So everybody Fedora people are welcome to be present at this event and it
could be intersting to do an European FUDCON in the same time cause like
last year a lot of Red Hat and Fedora Developpers should be there.
Tell me what you think about it.
Nonetheless, a lot of things have still to be done.
For instance :
I need that people who have planned to be there register.
I need to have confirmation that some people should do presentation in the
developpment room.
I need tee-shirt, hoarding, banniers, dvds, and other stuffs like last year.
I really need help in order to make this event succesfull.
BTW MrTom, will you be there as well like last year ?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Keep you in touch as soon as I have got other news.
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