Thank you for this info, I'm planning several short presentations about
Fedora Project at the University of Galati, Romania, and I did not know from
where / how to get Fedora 11 CDs / DVDs.
Hi fellows,
I plan to hold a Fedora 17 release party, this is actually my first time. I
asked for help on a local linux group to do so. So I'm optimistic the party
will go smoothly.
I need funds for the event. I plan to make it locally, but if there is a
suggestion. I would appreciate it.
Thanks and Regards
Arif Tri Waluyo
Dear All,
As we know, Fedora 17 is available for initial Public test,[0] thanks to
Dennis for the announcement; we from Bangladesh want to plan our release
party with plenty of time in hand to make it a successful event. In fact
it's a initiative from Rejaul[2] and Kingheart[3]; they both separately
pinged me and later I discussed with imtiaz[4] bhai. All four of us agreed
to arrange a medium sized event. First I opted for an event outside of the
Capital city, but Kingheart insisted to arrange this big one in Dhaka and
later we can have an extended version in Chittagong and Khulna (the other
cities of Bangladesh).
I'm initiating this thread for all other Bangladeshi Ambassadors and User
to discuss Date, Venue and other issues of the event. For the time being
Rejaul enlisted our event in Fedora wiki.[1] A tentative date, venue is
written in the wiki as a placeholder along with a possible activities. Let
us discuss more to make these more convenient. I've opened a Facebook
event[5] page to invite friends.
*a personal note from me, I'm going to love 'Beefy Miracle' - already found
the alpha release have a single window mode GIMP 2.8; it's going to be fun.
[0] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F17_Alpha_release_announcement
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F17_release_events#APAC
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Rejaul
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kingheart
[4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Imtiaz
[5] http://on.fb.me/Fedora17Dhaka
Hi all,
Tonight at the meeting we started discussing about this topic, keeping
the current process or moving to a simpler one.
Actually, we have our meeting in the following format:
with a page template like in [1].
If we move to a single wiki page, like wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors, we
could gain some advantages:
- Don't need to look for the meeting URL on the meeting reminder, as it
would be static
- Easy to check when is going to be the next meeting from the static
- The agenda is not so different each time, we could edit it each time
to add/remove topics
- We could add a generic link to all our meeting minutes, thanks to
meetbot. Like in [2]. For this to be efficient, we *need* to name the
meeting exactly the same each time (i.e. #startmeeting EMEA
- We could use this static page to link if we setup a cron for our
reminder (as done on several other teams, like docs). (cron is good!)
The point that Christoph see is when we want to look for special
resolution or subject. Now it is quite easy using a search engine on the
But if instead of just sending the logs on the mailing list[3] we also
copy the summary[4], we will only have to look on our mailbox. The
mailing list application[5] will probably help also.
Do you guys see an other advantage to keep ou current process? Or to
move with a static meeting page?
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=User:Cwickert/Playground
[2] http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/emea_ambassadors/
[3] http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2012-February/019053.h…
[4] http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-02-22/emea_ambassadors…
[5] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Engineering/FY13_Plan#Mailing_List_Im…
Kévin Raymond
Hello Everyone,
A friendly reminder, the next biweekly APAC meeting is on Saturday, March 03rd, 2012 at 04:00 UTC. :)
Day : Saturday, March 03rd, 2012
Time : 04:00 UTC
See the following URL to check and verify your own timing based on your location -
* http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2012&month=03&day…
For any proposed changes to the agenda, then please update -
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2012-03-03#Agenda
If you are not able to join us, then please update the agenda, in order to show your updates. :)
On Freenode IRC Channel : #fedora-meeting
Help on IRC -
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRCHowTo
We hope that you may be able to attend and join us. :)
Sending positive Fedora 15 & 16 energy your computer now. :v)
Please have a Great Fedora day and/or evening! :~)
Thank You
- David -
David Ramsey
One stone; two birds.
To kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Fedora Project's Japan & Maryland Ambassador dramsey(a)fedoraproject.org
* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dramsey
With sixteen (16) x86_64 computing cores, 80 GB of RAM and eight SATA Seagate 7200.12 - 500 GB harddisks.
The system definitions are at the following URL:
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dramsey#Using_embedded_code_have_update…
Hi all,
I hope you remember the Ambassadors survey Ankur started a while back
[1]. One of the results was that many ambassadors have problems getting
swag. This includes both production as well as shipping.
FAmSCo wants to address this issue and we need your help here. We opened
a ticket [2] and invited people who are involved in the swag business to
provide feedback. We already had some good ideas such as a 'swag
wrangler' for each region, but it turns out that so far most of that
feedback comes from regions where swag shipping and production work - or
at least the people who are doing it, think so.
Therefor I'd like to hear something from the regions where there are
problems and the people who complained. When you reply, please state
1. where you are from (Country)
2. what problems do you have exactly (too slow, too expansive, ...)
3. How often did you have these problems (once, sometimes, every
Last but not least: Let's not point figures at each other, but collect
feedback to make things better. So please don't say "Foo is an idiot
because he did not send bar in time" :)
Kind regards,
[1] http://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/survey-report.pdf
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/250