Ladies and gentlemen happy New Year!
Don't you remember there is an EMEA Ambassador meeting tomorrow (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) on #fedora-meeting ?
Day : Wednesday, January 6th, 2009
Time : 20:00 UTC (check [1] to know your own time depending on your country)
Channel : #fedora-meeting
Meeting agenda (add your topic before the meeting please) [2] We will be having mainly a FOSDEM specific followup to our previous meeting given that the event owners will show up. So update your agendas, and don't forget to join us :)
Kind regards, Pierros
[1] [2]
On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Pierros Papadeas ppapadeas@gmail.comwrote:
Ladies and gentlemen happy New Year!
Don't you remember there is an EMEA Ambassador meeting tomorrow (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) on #fedora-meeting ?
Day : Wednesday, January 6th, 2009
Time : 20:00 UTC (check [1] to know your own time depending on your country)
Channel : #fedora-meeting
Meeting agenda (add your topic before the meeting please) [2] We will be having mainly a FOSDEM specific followup to our previous meeting given that the event owners will show up. So update your agendas, and don't forget to join us :)
Kind regards, Pierros
[1] [2]
-- Pierros Papadeas PGP key: 0x6130DBF8 liknus @ GRnet , Freenode
-- Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list
Happy new year Pierros and *!!! I'll try to be there.