Hello to all.
I'll like to translate to all of you a mail that I have just send to our local list. Hope my english let you understand what's happening:
------------------------------------------------------------------ Greetings to all
I think the best way that I will have to answer this is to address the core issues of this mail.
1 .- "We are fighting internally without necessity." (Rodrigo Padula mail) Rodrigo: The only discussion that was held at the freenode channel #fedora-ambassadors and the topics were "why LATAM budget (+20.000us ) represents a problem to help countries other than Brazil and recently Chile and Argentina. " This topic was discussed with Mr. John Rose, not me.
2 .- On the licensing of the wiki: Rodrigo: This is an issue that is being solved in other thread, and is not bad to have some protection. Again, I see no problems in the discussions because things take patiently are solved.
3 .- His discussions with me and FAmSCo: (Rodrigo Padula mail) Rodrigo: I remind you that you didn't do 2 of the 3 steps to FAmSCo. you didn't sent the questionnaire with the ambassadors questions and did not attend to any of the Town Hall (sessions for ambassadors to know you better). All I said was that I worried about this situation... But apparently you don't want me to join you in FAmSCo.
4 .- For the discussion on Channel ... honesty: (Rodrigo Padula mail) Rodrigo: I apologized for accusing you of that (which really was only one line of dialogue that said "I go to these channels since I started with Fedora, you joined them since FAmSCo elections"). Now ... I wish all my colleagues know that I answered that way because Mr. Rodrigo told me directly "immature" and "because you act like your President Chavez" (plus other things a little more offensive) I believe, were worse. I do not like taking the gossip Rodrigo ... but if you want, I have no problems.
5 .- On the personal relations: (Rodrigo Padula mail) I think the only one with which I may have a misunderstood is with Mr. Rodrigo. About the big things that you "talk" that wants to achieve in LATAM I already have 4 months "working" on those. That I can show to alll ... Now, that is not enough or that you will look bad, is another thing... list a few of the things I'm working personally: * Magazine Latam (we have 15 contributors now) * Artwork regionalized IN SPANISH (no pt): we have 6 contributors * Education: we have 5 contributors, starting with the efforts in Argentina. * Medicine: 2 contributors (Venezuela is a pioneer in this field by developing medical systems based on fedora) * Translation: Several videos, guides and tutorials. * Fedora Mobile: 4 contributors, are developing a distro for mobiles * Fedora beginners: start developing an app for basic users
You see, deeds not words
We need to STOP, BREATHE, carefully read and write more calm!(Rodrigo Padula mail) + 1
Long live peace! (Rodrigo Padula mail)
As a reflection Gentlemen It's easy to put a +1 where we believe that another person has a good idea, but how many of you are working on these big ideas? It is time to act, because I have my conscience clean... all of you too? (those who are working to ignore this)
I'm really tired of this behavier. People acting like contributors should do things measurable just for one of us and not for all of us. This was something I was talking with Mel Chua (and now I think you understand now why I said some things related to this issues) and I, María Gracia Leandro, I'm not perfect, I don't have 10 years helping fedora, but I do know something... I'm here because I want to help, and I'm doing it (sometimes slowly, yes... but I never stop) and I'm tired of being stop.
If this is happening to me, how many times has happened to some other contributors? are we loosing people because "we don't do what _someone_ think is right?"
Like I said in my FAmSCo statement... I'm a fighter, and I'm here to help people who really need someone to speck things that never are said. Someone has to...
Sorry for bring this up, but I really think this was necessary
Hello fellow ambassadors, i came back from a long time not mailing in this list and i hope its for a good cause. I felt i need to response this one but dont want to engage a long flame. Beyond that, im available for answering your questions.
Said that....
We are facing a crisis in latam/ve, and some smiling faces might be hiding just the not so happy truth (over dimension the facts/specially venezuela), specially if they are looking after a seat at FAMSCO.
Facts are contributors are low to very low end users and not increasing at all not in fedora-ve mailing list, nor usuarios@proyectofedora.org mailing list at regional level, in fact last year some fedora-ve leaders were acting against a regional consolidation movement to usuarios@proyectofedora.org, as well they did in the past against the wiki content move to higher regional level host under proyectofedora.org domain, documentation is going down in time, quality and usefulness.
Plis visit: http://proyectofedora.org/w/index.php?title=Especial:CambiosRecientes&li...
This results for a 120 days period and a limit of 500 changes. U can increase the limit, or days, and you will see what the results are of this new leadership (fighting/passionated/youth style).
fedora-ve mailing list stats:
Members 545 >> Banned(spammers) 301 = 224 real users (really?)
See again the stats, ¿do u see any progress in the last year?
Maybe this fighting behaviour got some attention and media coverage, i give u that, but is not good for the last and health of the project in time, we are actually facing a disgregation and lot of disputes because of this agressive leadership. Many past contributors are just leaving or just being passive or frustrated because of this "new way" to do things, maybe now "we have more contributors",¿but where are the results? (i dont see result but on the news, on the events, on the cds, on the stickers produced, only marketing side, theres no meat behind)
I simply dont see them, and simply because there is nothing to show most of the times.
I dont see a gracefull exit to the situation with fighters, the new results are, old and well know local/regional stablished contributors are being displaced for new non experienced users and new comers, and excuse me, amateurs, and just because they might won an electión, that does not mean they r doing it right, its democratic, but its wrong imho, and my local observations shows me that.
I dont see how this leadership is good for latam region (brazil is out this comments), i tried to do something about it, with no success, im sad about that, this mail is probably more for geting your eyes open, if interested, on whats going on down here.
I dont expect good responses from some people in my country (venezuela) and their behaviour is really in the edge of not being honest, i dont know its because they want to see something nonexistent so passionatedly, that they actually see it, or just because they r greedy people looking after desperatedly for recognition. Despite the one option you choose, they r both wrong in terms of management for a community (this fighting style might get echo on some other contributors so its a difficult situation for the region).
Ing.Guillermo Gómez Savino Venezuela Ambassador
El 02/12/09 08:16, María Leandro escribió:
Hello to all.
I'll like to translate to all of you a mail that I have just send to our local list. Hope my english let you understand what's happening:
Greetings to all
I think the best way that I will have to answer this is to address the core issues of this mail.
1 .- "We are fighting internally without necessity." (Rodrigo Padula mail) Rodrigo: The only discussion that was held at the freenode channel #fedora-ambassadors and the topics were "why LATAM budget (+20.000us ) represents a problem to help countries other than Brazil and recently Chile and Argentina. " This topic was discussed with Mr. John Rose, not me.
2 .- On the licensing of the wiki: Rodrigo: This is an issue that is being solved in other thread, and is not bad to have some protection. Again, I see no problems in the discussions because things take patiently are solved.
3 .- His discussions with me and FAmSCo: (Rodrigo Padula mail) Rodrigo: I remind you that you didn't do 2 of the 3 steps to FAmSCo. you didn't sent the questionnaire with the ambassadors questions and did not attend to any of the Town Hall (sessions for ambassadors to know you better). All I said was that I worried about this situation... But apparently you don't want me to join you in FAmSCo.
4 .- For the discussion on Channel ... honesty: (Rodrigo Padula mail) Rodrigo: I apologized for accusing you of that (which really was only one line of dialogue that said "I go to these channels since I started with Fedora, you joined them since FAmSCo elections"). Now ... I wish all my colleagues know that I answered that way because Mr. Rodrigo told me directly "immature" and "because you act like your President Chavez" (plus other things a little more offensive) I believe, were worse. I do not like taking the gossip Rodrigo ... but if you want, I have no problems.
5 .- On the personal relations: (Rodrigo Padula mail) I think the only one with which I may have a misunderstood is with Mr. Rodrigo. About the big things that you "talk" that wants to achieve in LATAM I already have 4 months "working" on those. That I can show to alll ... Now, that is not enough or that you will look bad, is another thing... list a few of the things I'm working personally:
- Magazine Latam (we have 15 contributors now)
- Artwork regionalized IN SPANISH (no pt): we have 6 contributors
- Education: we have 5 contributors, starting with the efforts in Argentina.
- Medicine: 2 contributors (Venezuela is a pioneer in this field by
developing medical systems based on fedora)
- Translation: Several videos, guides and tutorials.
- Fedora Mobile: 4 contributors, are developing a distro for mobiles
- Fedora beginners: start developing an app for basic users
You see, deeds not words
We need to STOP, BREATHE, carefully read and write more calm!(Rodrigo Padula mail)
- 1
Long live peace! (Rodrigo Padula mail)
As a reflection Gentlemen It's easy to put a +1 where we believe that another person has a good idea, but how many of you are working on these big ideas? It is time to act, because I have my conscience clean... all of you too? (those who are working to ignore this)
I'm really tired of this behavier. People acting like contributors should do things measurable just for one of us and not for all of us. This was something I was talking with Mel Chua (and now I think you understand now why I said some things related to this issues) and I, María Gracia Leandro, I'm not perfect, I don't have 10 years helping fedora, but I do know something... I'm here because I want to help, and I'm doing it (sometimes slowly, yes... but I never stop) and I'm tired of being stop.
If this is happening to me, how many times has happened to some other contributors? are we loosing people because "we don't do what _someone_ think is right?"
Like I said in my FAmSCo statement... I'm a fighter, and I'm here to help people who really need someone to speck things that never are said. Someone has to...
Sorry for bring this up, but I really think this was necessary
-- tatica Maria Gracia Leandro http://www.tatica.org http://www.fedora-ve.org http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MariaLeandro LinuxUser= 440285 GPG Public Key: E1CDCC56 "Be yourself... Don't be anyone else"
-- Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list Fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list
Guys, sorry by this kind of email, but the tatica's words deserve a response!
Em 02-12-2009 10:46, María Leandro escreveu:
Hello to all.
I'll like to translate to all of you a mail that I have just send to our local list. Hope my english let you understand what's happening:
Greetings to all
I think the best way that I will have to answer this is to address the core issues of this mail.
1 .- "We are fighting internally without necessity." (Rodrigo Padula mail) Rodrigo: The only discussion that was held at the freenode channel #fedora-ambassadors and the topics were "why LATAM budget (+20.000us ) represents a problem to help countries other than Brazil and recently Chile and Argentina. " This topic was discussed with Mr. John Rose, not me.
I really don't know what is the purpose of your email.
I think you are very interested to create a bad view of my person here. We are not competitors, we are members of the same project with the same goals!
Max can explain better than me how the budget is used and all difficulties that we have to expend money in Latam and around the world.
Probably you are thinking that all budget sent from Fedora was sent to my personal account and I'm travelling and drinking some beers with that money, but it isn't true!
All budget was sent to Red Hat Latam and all money was spend with my local manager approval and coordination.
2 .- On the licensing of the wiki: Rodrigo: This is an issue that is being solved in other thread, and is not bad to have some protection. Again, I see no problems in the discussions because things take patiently are solved.
LOL!! Again, I cant understand the purpose of this email.
The content that you copied and pasted in the Latam wiki ( non-official wiki/content) have to be defined and organized with the author not with all ambassadors-list.
Some people here is working hard and this kind of email isn't good to send to all people here! Immature decision again!
3 .- His discussions with me and FAmSCo: (Rodrigo Padula mail) Rodrigo: I remind you that you didn't do 2 of the 3 steps to FAmSCo. you didn't sent the questionnaire with the ambassadors questions and did not attend to any of the Town Hall (sessions for ambassadors to know you better). All I said was that I worried about this situation... But apparently you don't want me to join you in FAmSCo.
I was travelling for 2 events ( Fedora 12 - Official Brazilian Release), without Internet in my hotel.
During one of this events I had a long time conversation with Corinto Mefe (Brazilian Gov - http://www.softwarepublico.gov.br/ ) about the Brazilian Fedora Education project and probably we will receive support from the Brazilian Government to develop and increase that project (Teach with Fedora and Free Software), so, some things are more important to me than a Town Hall and a FAMSCO seat!
While you are editing your new picture for your 365/Project I'm planning events and strategies to spread fedora and to improve the ambassadors collaboration.
When I go to an event, I go by Fedora not to auto-promotion or to tell how Gimp works fine and have great effects to apply in my own photos!!
I travel to events to talk about Fedora, to spread the idea, to recruit new members to improve the participation of fedora in the local Free Software movement!
I go there do to what I love to do and what I'm doing since 2005!!
Guys like Diego(transifex developer), Jayme(design team), Igor(Translation pt_BR Leader and BrOffice spin), Allisson(Packager) and many others Brazilian and Latam ambassadors and leaders was invited in events and supported by me to stay here to work hard for Fedora.
We have now a great team here because we are good friends, we are a family that help ideas to grow and resolve problems in a mature way!
4 .- For the discussion on Channel ... honesty: (Rodrigo Padula mail) Rodrigo: I apologized for accusing you of that (which really was only one line of dialogue that said "I go to these channels since I started with Fedora, you joined them since FAmSCo elections"). Now ... I wish all my colleagues know that I answered that way because Mr. Rodrigo told me directly "immature" and "because you act like your President Chavez" (plus other things a little more offensive) I believe, were worse. I do not like taking the gossip Rodrigo ... but if you want, I have no problems.
I know that a FAMSCO seat and the auto-promotion (like the the 365/Project) are more important to you, more important than the friendship that we had constructed by years working together with the same goals!
Don't worry about it! You can receive a lot of votes and take my seat at FAMSCO.
I dont need to be there to do my job, and I think you don't need too.
With this kind of email you are confirming my thesis that how immature you are, disturbing all the ambassadors with that.
You are fighting against me but we are in the same team, remember ?
5 .- On the personal relations: (Rodrigo Padula mail) I think the only one with which I may have a misunderstood is with Mr. Rodrigo. About the big things that you "talk" that wants to achieve in LATAM I already have 4 months "working" on those. That I can show to alll ... Now, that is not enough or that you will look bad, is another thing... list a few of the things I'm working personally:
Weird, we have a Latam list with all latam ambassadors/contributors and all that you wrote here for me and many Latam ambasadors are big great news.
These projects are TOP SERCRETS ??
Compete and show what I'm doing and what are you doing for me it's very immature.
But ok, how competitive you are! If you need numbers, I will show you some numbers!!
I will not mention ideas or numbers of contributors, I will talk about results!
I recommend all ambassadors to read it http://www.rodrigopadula.com/?p=218 and download the presentation http://www.rodrigopadula.com/preso.odp
We can see the difference between my team (Brazil) and your big Venezuelan Team looking the graphics and the big growth based on all your efforts.
The first ambassador from Venezuela ( Guillermo Gomes - gomix ), one of the first of the World, the guy that had made a lot of documentation in Spanish and was the main latam's wiki maintainer though many times in left the project by the constants fights from you and your greats ideas to spread Fedora in Venezuela.
- Magazine Latam (we have 15 contributors now)
You have 5 contributors, we have 5 editions published + many articles published in printed magazines in Brasil and many others around the World.
Take a look here to learn with us http://www.projetofedora.org/Revista (We are working in your great new idea by many Fedora releases).
- Artwork regionalized IN SPANISH (no pt): we have 6 contributors
Ohhh great!! Take a look here in our artwork repository to learn something about Gimp and Inkscape with Jayme http://jaymeayres.com/arquivos/fedora/
- Education: we have 5 contributors, starting with the efforts in Argentina.
Good, this project in my opinion is the most important of Fedora and we need more contributors around the world!! EDUCATION IS THE BEST WAY TO INCREASE OUR CULTURE AND TO DEVELOP UNDEVELOPED COUNTRIES, but not in a competitive way, we need to work together, to collaborate/cooperate!
While are you starting with 5 contributors we have a spin done, many cataloged softwares + support from the Brazilian Gov and many universities interested to participate into this idea/area.
- Medicine: 2 contributors (Venezuela is a pioneer in this field by
developing medical systems based on fedora)
Great! What is Done ?
We have many contributors to help you here :-)
- Translation: Several videos, guides and tutorials.
Great it will help us a lot, in Brazil we have a lot too, not only translated but created by our group.
Just take a look here: http://www.vimeo.com/user1676127/videos
- Fedora Mobile: 4 contributors, are developing a distro for mobiles
Sure? I would like to see the results. What kind of mobiles ?
I think your "group" can work with these guys here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/FedoraMini
- Fedora beginners: start developing an app for basic users
What kind of apps ?? I think all people here are very interested in this issue.
Here we have a LUG for each Brazilian state, with ~7.500 registered users in our forum http://www.projetofedora.org/forum/ testing, reporting bugs and helping new users.
Take a look here too: http://easylifeproject.org/
You see, deeds not words
For me... more words/ideas than real deeds!
-- tatica Maria Gracia Leandro http://www.tatica.org http://www.fedora-ve.org http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MariaLeandro LinuxUser= 440285 GPG Public Key: E1CDCC56 "Be yourself... Don't be anyone else"
I cant write more... sorry, you are creating a situation that I dont like to handle!!!
I am very angry and hurt by it! For me it's enough!
The disagreement that is motivating this discussion is obviously a problem we need to address. Max Spevack and I are looking into it and talking to some of the people involved.
Until we have a better idea what the problems are and how to solve them, I would like this thread to be considered closed. Normally I would not make such a statement, but in its current state this thread isn't likely to lead to constructive solutions.
Please do not respond further here. Thanks.
I agree with you Paul.
Venezuela issue is something that we talk privately and wasn't related to this mail thread. If Max want to share which are the specific problems that Venezuela is having, I'll be glad to get a meeting to explain better how our local community was disappointed by some decisions... but we keep working.
I apologize myself if I hurt some feeling, there are so many things that I want to talk; but usually nobody answer local issues because work issues or doesn't have the time.
We are a great community down here in LATAM who is growing up slowly but strong. and I really don't believe in any "crisis latam/ve"; I will like to point a fact to end this thread.
We all have differences, and sometime some egos are hurt. For me; I did but that page is turn to keep working like I do. Facts are that fedora latam has almost 130 ambassadors, and I only have differences with 2 what represents less that 1%. So there is not a crisis. People is working, and I apologize again because I know I might me to abrupt.
Thank you all, nice day
2009/12/2 Paul W. Frields stickster@gmail.com
The disagreement that is motivating this discussion is obviously a problem we need to address. Max Spevack and I are looking into it and talking to some of the people involved.
Until we have a better idea what the problems are and how to solve them, I would like this thread to be considered closed. Normally I would not make such a statement, but in its current state this thread isn't likely to lead to constructive solutions.
Please do not respond further here. Thanks.
-- Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/ gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 http://redhat.com/ - - - - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/ irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug
-- Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list Fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list
What part of "DO NOT REPLY THIS EMAIL THREAD" you do not understand?
Please, STOP here and go to correct the internal problems that you have in your country with your fellows!
Em 03-12-2009 10:35, María Leandro escreveu:
I agree with you Paul.
Venezuela issue is something that we talk privately and wasn't related to this mail thread. If Max want to share which are the specific problems that Venezuela is having, I'll be glad to get a meeting to explain better how our local community was disappointed by some decisions... but we keep working.
I apologize myself if I hurt some feeling, there are so many things that I want to talk; but usually nobody answer local issues because work issues or doesn't have the time.
We are a great community down here in LATAM who is growing up slowly but strong. and I really don't believe in any "crisis latam/ve"; I will like to point a fact to end this thread.
We all have differences, and sometime some egos are hurt. For me; I did but that page is turn to keep working like I do. Facts are that fedora latam has almost 130 ambassadors, and I only have differences with 2 what represents less that 1%. So there is not a crisis. People is working, and I apologize again because I know I might me to abrupt.
Thank you all, nice day
2009/12/2 Paul W. Frields <stickster@gmail.com mailto:stickster@gmail.com>
The disagreement that is motivating this discussion is obviously a problem we need to address. Max Spevack and I are looking into it and talking to some of the people involved. Until we have a better idea what the problems are and how to solve them, I would like this thread to be considered closed. Normally I would not make such a statement, but in its current state this thread isn't likely to lead to constructive solutions. Please do not respond further here. Thanks. -- Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/ gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 http://redhat.com/ - - - - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/ irc.freenode.net <http://irc.freenode.net>: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug -- Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list Fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com <mailto:Fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list
-- tatica Maria Gracia Leandro http://www.tatica.org http://www.fedora-ve.org http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MariaLeandro LinuxUser= 440285 GPG Public Key: E1CDCC56 "Be yourself... Don't be anyone else"
-- Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list Fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list
Fedorianos greetings I have read the email tatica and for this we'd talked before, in Perù can count on our support for programmers, developers or support, in Perù the work is set and we have 8 volunteers of whom are present and trying seimpre dvd giving organizing events in their universities and promoting the use of Fedora.
our contribution has made in Peru increased by 70% usage by students and Fedora Linux enthusiasts to try and stay with the Fedora distribution.
the effort has been made in Peru, are nonprofit and contribute to the present day to further promote Fedora, we are ready to contribute our efforts directly to fedora without neglecting to get more Fedora users in Peru.
will be the responsibility expected of some Peruvian ambassador to guide us in what we can to help and this is just the beginning, because we have many projects in mind.
awaiting a response
este no se si mi ingles es muy bueno jejejeje aaaa yungay.....!!!
2009/12/3 Rodrigo Padula rodrigopadula@projetofedora.org:
What part of "DO NOT REPLY THIS EMAIL THREAD" you do not understand?
Please, STOP here and go to correct the internal problems that you have in your country with your fellows!
Em 03-12-2009 10:35, María Leandro escreveu:
I agree with you Paul.
Venezuela issue is something that we talk privately and wasn't related to this mail thread. If Max want to share which are the specific problems that Venezuela is having, I'll be glad to get a meeting to explain better how our local community was disappointed by some decisions... but we keep working.
I apologize myself if I hurt some feeling, there are so many things that I want to talk; but usually nobody answer local issues because work issues or doesn't have the time.
We are a great community down here in LATAM who is growing up slowly but strong. and I really don't believe in any "crisis latam/ve"; I will like to point a fact to end this thread.
We all have differences, and sometime some egos are hurt. For me; I did but that page is turn to keep working like I do. Facts are that fedora latam has almost 130 ambassadors, and I only have differences with 2 what represents less that 1%. So there is not a crisis. People is working, and I apologize again because I know I might me to abrupt.
Thank you all, nice day
2009/12/2 Paul W. Frields <stickster@gmail.com mailto:stickster@gmail.com>
The disagreement that is motivating this discussion is obviously a problem we need to address. Max Spevack and I are looking into it and talking to some of the people involved.
Until we have a better idea what the problems are and how to solve them, I would like this thread to be considered closed. Normally I would not make such a statement, but in its current state this thread isn't likely to lead to constructive solutions.
Please do not respond further here. Thanks.
-- Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/ gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 http://redhat.com/ - - - - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/ irc.freenode.net http://irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug
-- Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list Fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com mailto:Fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list
-- tatica Maria Gracia Leandro http://www.tatica.org http://www.fedora-ve.org http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MariaLeandro LinuxUser= 440285 GPG Public Key: E1CDCC56 "Be yourself... Don't be anyone else"
-- Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list Fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list
Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira Fedora Community Manager - Latin America Red Hat Community and Academy Relations http://www.proyectofedora.org http://twitter.com/rodrigopadula http://www.rodrigopadula.com
-- Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list Fedora-ambassadors-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list