Your excellencies,
I write on behalf of the Tunisian ambassadors, Nihed, Chiheb and Wael.
We will be celebrating the SFD in Tunisia somewhere next october.
we will file our event in the wiki, but we don't have already a fixed date, since the SFD imply many organisms.
We will need to finance our preparations (DVDs, Posters, renting ..., badges ....).
So, our question is: is it possible to add our event in the wiki, without a "precise" date ?
kind regards, Zied.
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Zied Fakhfakh wrote:
Your excellencies,
I write on behalf of the Tunisian ambassadors, Nihed, Chiheb and Wael.
We will be celebrating the SFD in Tunisia somewhere next october.
we will file our event in the wiki, but we don't have already a fixed date, since the SFD imply many organisms.
We will need to finance our preparations (DVDs, Posters, renting ..., badges ....).
So, our question is: is it possible to add our event in the wiki, without a "precise" date ?
Absolutely! Just be sure to fill the dates in when you have them.
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Zied Fakhfakh wrote:
Your excellencies,
I write on behalf of the Tunisian ambassadors, Nihed, Chiheb and Wael.
We will be celebrating the SFD in Tunisia somewhere next october.
we will file our event in the wiki, but we don't have already a fixed date, since the SFD imply many organisms.
We will need to finance our preparations (DVDs, Posters, renting ..., badges ....).
So, our question is: is it possible to add our event in the wiki, without a "precise" date ?
Yes, absolutely. Give whatever information you have now, and add the date later!
We will be happy to help you.