Thanks all, for your time.
thanks for the meeting log - sorry i could not attend i sent liknus some updates for the meeting, i did not know he will not attend either.
On Wednesday 06 January 2010 22:29:25 Max Spevack wrote: 010-01-06-20.07.html 20:17:33 <spevack> #topic F12 Media 20:17:49 <sspreitzer> 150 or so 20:17:52 <sspreitzer> so 300 20:18:04 <sspreitzer> live media and dvd install 20:21:23 <sspreitzer> i have a question from cwickert who is very angry about the spin media topic 20:21:41 <sspreitzer> he asks for the spin media 20:21:54 <sspreitzer> and why it had not been produced
i discussed this with cwickert already - the request for lxde media has failed because i could not reach Alessandra (tried by email and linkedin) - i could tried harder. We also failed by making the process for producing the media transparent because in a later meeting spevack and sspreitzer took the action for media without know about the issue.
20:28:46 <cwickert> AFAIK kital is waiting for response from RH Munich, namely alessandra 20:28:55 <spevack> cwickert: point me to the artwork, and you, me, sspreitzer, and alessandra will start the process today. 20:29:44 <spevack> (1) Artwork and bits are produced. 20:30:02 <Southern_Gentlem> cwickert, is there a request for spin media on the FOSDEM page 20:30:03 <sspreitzer> media makes an influence on the poeple as ive seen it from the past 2 weeks 20:30:06 <spevack> (2) sspreitzer works with the media company to make sure all the details of what we want -- which artwork goes with which bits, and quantity, and delivery time, are known. 20:30:25 <spevack> (3) All alessandra has to do is open the purchase order, saving her time and making the whole process as community-friendly as possible 20:33:32 <spevack> #action spevack XFCE/LXDE media for FOSDEM & CLT
ok this is a reboot for that issue - lets track this time
20:33:52 <spevack> #action spevack general-case for media production in EMEA for F13 and onward (working with sspreitzer)
21:16:42 <sspreitzer> is there a documentation about how the fedora project
is organized
this was discussed often in the past maybe try this thread to catch up December/msg00152.html
thanks max for chair the meeting
cu Joerg