Hello, I am submitting this mail to fedora marketing list with the subject as adviced by Athanasios.
I want to share that I wrote a few days ago to a technology columnist from El Nuevo Diario. In the mail I included the link to http://proyectofedora.org/wiki/Conoce_Fedora_12 This page is an effort to translate for latam the one page release note for Fedora 12. This effort was lead by Tatica, and I was glad to collaborate.
Today, I was looking at the sunday newspaper, and I saw that my mail have a good response: (spanish) http://impreso.elnuevodiario.com.ni/2009/11/22/informatica/114077
I have already wrote an entry at: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_press_archive
As Nicaraguan Launch party is due to December 3rd, I am hoping to have more press hits.
Best regards
-- Neville https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Yn1v Linux User # 473217