To make it easier to welcome new folks into Marketing, I'm cleaning out all old requests from the FAS marketing group request queue, as I haven't been able to find the introduction emails that are prerequisites for FAS group membership from any of the people on that list.
If you were on that list and are still interested in joining the Marketing team (which I hope you are!) instructions on how to do so are at Note that you need an introduction email to the Marketing mailing list before you request FAS membership. (And if you're bringing a new person into Marketing, please help them walk through the join instructions on that page.)
PS: Right now, the marketing FAS group doesn't actually let you do anything, it just marks membership - but that (along with the Join process) is something we might want to discuss as a group during our F13 strategic planning meeting. Which, I might add, is happening in 1.5 weeks on 12/8 (usual meeting time).
Some other groups have things they do to help new folks get started (the mentoring program in Ambassadors, the way Infrastructure asks people to contribute for a while before they grant group membership, etc) that we may want to adopt. That's a separate topic I'll bring up at our next meeting, though.