Thank you for this info, I'm planning several short presentations about
Fedora Project at the University of Galati, Romania, and I did not know from
where / how to get Fedora 11 CDs / DVDs.
Is anyone else considering attending this event?
I have a talk accepted but I haven't quite decided whether I'll be
going or not. Some other Fedora people helping out would be something
that would encourage me to go. :)
Hi folks,
Here's a list of folks who's positions seem erroneous on the Ambassadors
map (to me). Please correct your lat/longs :)
This list is *not* exhaustive. I've just checked up folks around Asia.
Some folks in this list may have correctly positioned themselves, i.e,
working abroad etc. but I expect some to be wrongly positioned too:
> Name|Listed Location|Positioned in
> Brian Pepple|United States|China
> Karsten Wade|United States|China
> Ivan Pacheco Martínez|Mexico|Off Myanmar/Thailand
> Felipe Aranda G.|Chile|Around Afganistan
> Luis Enrique Bazán De León|Panama|Sri Lanka
> juan sebastian cobaleda cano|Columbia|Off Sri Lanka
> Diego Escobar|Columbia|Maldives
> Mel Chua|United States|Off Uzbekistan
> Jeff Sandys|United States|China
> Luya Tshimbalanga|Canada|China
> Tim Casey|Australia|Off Japan
> Jose Mathew Manimala|India|New Zealand
I'm still not sure what's causing this. It could be missing decimals or
+/- signs etc. in FAS.
I expect folks to use this map, so it's important that the data be
Warm regards,
Ankur: "FranciscoD"
Please only print if necessary.
Looking to contribute to Fedora? Look here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Join_SIGhttp://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ankursinhahttp://dodoincfedora.wordpress.com/
Hi there,
Jiri already sent a mail about his goals last week [1], and you may
wonder what all this is about. So before I tell you a little bit about
my goals, let me tell you a little bit about where this idea comes from.
At the end of 2010, the Fedora board decided to agree on "strategic
goals" for Fedora, so they can focus their work in 2011. When we looked
back at what had happened with these goals one year later at FUDCon
Blacksburg, we realized that hardly anything was achieved [2].
The problem was that the goals were noble, but very abstract and
progress was hard to measure. It was impossible to really reach them and
for an individual, there was not much to do as every problem required a
lot of people to overcome it.
So we decided to try something different. Each board member picked their
own goals. Something to work on and something that can be achieved. We
don't tell anybody what do to or let, but by championing our own goals,
we lead by example. Every board member is to show the community what
they want to work on and how they approach a problem. This can encourage
others to help or to work on their own projects.
As FAmSCo chair, I suggested that we do the same for all FAmSCo members.
I told everybody to pick 2-3 goal and present it on the ambassadors
mailing list. Our goals don't necessarily need to benefit the
ambassadors, but of course it would be nice if they did.
Here is what I have come up with so far:
1. Improve budget management: We want to make payments for our
contributors easier and faster. Budget needs to be more
transparent. We want to move decisions from FAmSCo to the local
communities. Reporting for credit card holders needs to become
easier. We are working on all this for a while already but
hardly made any progress, because there are big changes inside
of Red Hat. It is unclear who will manage our budget in the
future and we don't even have exact figures of our spending in
the last year. So as soon as there is some progress, we can
start working on this. We already set up a new trac instance
2. Improve the elections: I have been spending a lot of work on the
new FAmSCo election guidelines and I want to continue with this
because I think there is still a lot to be improved. Even if we
have the best guidelines ever, we can improve, participation ,
documentation and the process. My goal is to have one simple and
streamlined election process for the whole Fedora project.
3. Solve conflicts about local communities: As FAmSCo chair, I
received a lot of mails about conflicts in various local
communities. I was asked to make a decision, but frankly
speaking I cannot. I am willing to help and to act as a
middlemen, but it is not on me to decide who gets a certain
domain or not. Instead of solving these conflicts one by one it
is better to think about how we want to deal with them. Maybe
the Fedora community working group can help? I don't know, but I
continue to work on it.
If you like my ideas, I would appreciate your help. If you don't like
them, I am looking forward to your feedback. And if you have more ideas
how to make the Fedora community a better place, lets discuss them.
Kind regards,
1,5 hours, and 9 ambassadors. That was a good meeting!
Minutes (text):
Meet you again on
Wednesday, July 11th (two weeks from now)
at 20:00 UTC
in #fedora-meeting!
#fedora-meeting: EMEA ambassadors 2012-06-27
Meeting started by cwickert at 20:00:31 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Role Call (cwickert, 20:00:52)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRCHowTo#Protocol
(cwickert, 20:03:39)
* Announcements (cwickert, 20:04:55)
* F18 board runoff elections between EvilBob and nb are over, nb made
it. congrats to him and thanks to EvilBob for running (cwickert,
* FAmSCo has a new meeting time. we now meet on Mondays at 17:00 UTC
in #fedora-meeting-2. join us if you like (cwickert, 20:06:59)
* AGREED: try to find a better timing for our meetings but only change
them if we find something that is definitely better (cwickert,
* ACTION: cwickert to create a poll on the meeting time (cwickert,
* deadline for FAD EMEA 2012 is due. If you want to join us in
Rheinfelden, please get in touch with geroldka ASAP. For more info,
check out https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EMEA_2012 (cwickert,
* Ambassadors Schedule (cwickert, 20:14:38)
* Swag (cwickert, 20:18:48)
* ACTION: zoltanh7211 to send jreznik the english cheatcubes, jreznik
to send zoltanh7211 his address (cwickert, 20:26:01)
* LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Fedora_Cheat_Cube_Users.svg
(cwickert, 20:29:32)
* ACTION: gnokii and zoltanh7211 get together about new cheatcubes
(cwickert, 20:30:18)
* ACTION: cwickert to look after the ambassadors polos again. nag the
old vendor and try to get a shirt from another one (cwickert,
* if you need an ambassadors polo, please file a request as described
at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Polo_Shirt#EMEA (cwickert,
* ACTION: zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new
opportunities for t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if
necessary (cwickert, 20:39:10)
* ACTION: cwickert to ask kital about previous shirt production
(cwickert, 20:40:17)
* when we do shirts, do some for our friends in Brno, too. (cwickert,
* Events (cwickert, 20:54:25)
* the current list of events is at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events#EMEA-FY13Q2 (cwickert,
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_Fedora_event
(cwickert, 20:58:18)
* ACTION: dmaphy to create a generic wiki page for SFD for people to
add their cities (cwickert, 21:05:52)
* we need more people for FrOSCon on August 25+26th. please help us
and add your name at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FrOSCon_2012
(cwickert, 21:08:59)
* ACTION: gnokii to make noise on the ambassdors mailing list about
FrOSCon (cwickert, 21:10:24)
* Release events (cwickert, 21:12:01)
* if you held an release event, please make sure to write an event
report, to blog about it and post pictures etc (cwickert, 21:13:07)
* ACTION: cwickert to nag event owners and attendees about event
reports (cwickert, 21:13:27)
* Open Floor (cwickert, 21:17:42)
Meeting ended at 21:27:38 UTC.
Action Items
* cwickert to create a poll on the meeting time
* zoltanh7211 to send jreznik the english cheatcubes, jreznik to send
zoltanh7211 his address
* gnokii and zoltanh7211 get together about new cheatcubes
* cwickert to look after the ambassadors polos again. nag the old vendor
and try to get a shirt from another one
* zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new opportunities for
t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if necessary
* cwickert to ask kital about previous shirt production
* dmaphy to create a generic wiki page for SFD for people to add their
* gnokii to make noise on the ambassdors mailing list about FrOSCon
* cwickert to nag event owners and attendees about event reports
Action Items, by person
* cwickert
* cwickert to create a poll on the meeting time
* cwickert to look after the ambassadors polos again. nag the old
vendor and try to get a shirt from another one
* cwickert to ask kital about previous shirt production
* cwickert to nag event owners and attendees about event reports
* dmaphy
* dmaphy to create a generic wiki page for SFD for people to add their
* gnokii
* gnokii and zoltanh7211 get together about new cheatcubes
* zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new opportunities for
t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if necessary
* gnokii to make noise on the ambassdors mailing list about FrOSCon
* jreznik
* zoltanh7211 to send jreznik the english cheatcubes, jreznik to send
zoltanh7211 his address
* thunderbirdtr
* zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new opportunities for
t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if necessary
* zoltanh7211
* zoltanh7211 to send jreznik the english cheatcubes, jreznik to send
zoltanh7211 his address
* gnokii and zoltanh7211 get together about new cheatcubes
* zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new opportunities for
t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if necessary
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* cwickert (246)
* ibancioiu (53)
* thunderbirdtr (37)
* zoltanh7211 (32)
* dmaphy (16)
* gnokii (16)
* jreznik (14)
* zodbot (10)
* egyde|mob (4)
* egydev|mob (3)
* ib54003 (3)
* MarkDude (1)
* mharris (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Sorry it took so long, but meetbot crashed in the middle of the meeting
and we first had to request a new log from the infrastructure team.
Minutes (text):
Meet you again next week
Monday June 2nd
at 17:00 UTC
in #fedora-meeting-2!
#famsco: FAmSCo 2012-06-25
Meeting started by cwickert at 17:00:00 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Role call (cwickert, 17:02:00)
* Jiri is on vacation, he sent regrets to the mailing list (cwickert,
* Announcements (cwickert, 17:06:00)
* nb as elected in the Fedora 18 runoff elections and will now not
only serve in FAmSCo but also in the Fedora Board (cwickert,
* herlo is traveling, too, he also sent regrets to the list
(cwickert, 17:07:00)
* Fedora Realease 17 Party Peru (cwickert, 17:09:00)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/301 (zodbot,
* AGREED: : #301 is approved but not the shirts. FAmSCo does not like
spending money on shirts only for a single event. Instead, we should
try to look into a bigger batch of shirts for Peru to get a better
price (cwickert, 17:24:00)
* Swag shipping improvements (cwickert, 17:30:00)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/250 (zodbot,
* ACTION: danielbruno and aeperezt to host a "swag bazaar" at FUDCon
and and a session about swag shipping improvements (cwickert,
* ACTION: bckurera to discuss the situation in APAC in the next
regional meeting (cwickert, 17:42:00)
* Budget and reimbursement issues (cwickert, 17:44:00)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/251 (zodbot,
* ACTION: cwickert to nag budget owner to get the numbers of 2011 and
remove the 'meeting' keyword from #251 until there is something to
discuss (cwickert, 17:48:00)
* New trademark guidelines and their impact on the ambassadors swag
production (cwickert, 17:49:00)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/264 (zodbot,
is not every elaborate yet (cwickert, 17:55:00)
* ACTION: all FAmSCo members to revisit #264 and add further concerns
or questions to the ticket (cwickert, 17:57:00)
* Sponsoring event attendees (cwickert, 17:58:00)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/265 (zodbot,
* ACTION: all FAmSCo members to read through the open tickets so wer
can work effectively (cwickert, 18:04:00)
* FAmSCo goals (cwickert, 18:04:00)
* ACTION: those FAmSCo members who have not yet sent out a mail about
their F18 goals, do it NOW. (cwickert, 18:13:00)
* ACTION: all FAmSCo members: Make. Some. Noise. Speak about your
goals, blog about them, spread the word, use twitter, FB and G+
(cwickert, 18:14:00)
* Funding Request for FAD Padang (cwickert, 18:18:00)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/27 (maktrix,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/27 (bckurera,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/30 (bckurera,
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Padang_2012#Schedule
(bckurera, 18:31:00)
* ACTION: cwickert to update #296 with the relevant links about the
current broken FAD funding process (cwickert, 18:54:00)
Meeting ended at 18:56:00 UTC.
Action Items
* danielbruno and aeperezt to host a "swag bazaar" at FUDCon and and a
session about swag shipping improvements
* bckurera to discuss the situation in APAC in the next regional meeting
* cwickert to nag budget owner to get the numbers of 2011 and remove the
'meeting' keyword from #251 until there is something to discuss
* all FAmSCo members to revisit #264 and add further concerns or
questions to the ticket
* all FAmSCo members to read through the open tickets so wer can work
* those FAmSCo members who have not yet sent out a mail about their F18
goals, do it NOW.
* all FAmSCo members: Make. Some. Noise. Speak about your goals, blog
about them, spread the word, use twitter, FB and G+
* cwickert to update #296 with the relevant links about the current
broken FAD funding process
Action Items, by person
* aeperezt
* danielbruno and aeperezt to host a "swag bazaar" at FUDCon and and a
session about swag shipping improvements
* bckurera
* bckurera to discuss the situation in APAC in the next regional
* cwickert
* cwickert to nag budget owner to get the numbers of 2011 and remove
the 'meeting' keyword from #251 until there is something to discuss
* cwickert to update #296 with the relevant links about the current
broken FAD funding process
* danielbruno
* danielbruno and aeperezt to host a "swag bazaar" at FUDCon and and a
session about swag shipping improvements
* all FAmSCo members to revisit #264 and add further concerns or
questions to the ticket
* all FAmSCo members to read through the open tickets so wer can work
* those FAmSCo members who have not yet sent out a mail about their
F18 goals, do it NOW.
* all FAmSCo members: Make. Some. Noise. Speak about your goals, blog
about them, spread the word, use twitter, FB and G+
People Present (lines said)
* cwickert (266)
* aeperezt (64)
* bckurera (56)
* danielbruno (42)
* nb (37)
* zodbot (18)
* maktrix (10)
* inode0 (7)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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