The meeting took a little longer today (1:40), but this was mainly because lots of things to discuss (due to the missed meeting 2 weeks ago) and we had ~25 ambassadors present. This looks like a new record for EMEA and I'd like to continue this way - even if it takes a little longer. ;)
Minutes: Minutes (text): Log:
Meet you again on Wednesday, February 8th (two weeks from now) at 20:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting!
Regards, Christoph
============================================ #fedora-meeting: EMEA Ambassadors 2012-01-25 ============================================
Meeting started by cwickert at 20:01:20 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call (cwickert, 20:01:39)
* Announcements (cwickert, 20:03:56) * The deadline for talks for LinuxTag in Berlin in May ends today. you have 3 more hours to submit your talks at (cwickert, 20:05:09) * Schedule for Red Hat Developer conference is available at (cwickert, 20:08:24)
* Ambassadors schedule (cwickert, 20:09:10)
* Events (cwickert, 20:10:33) * LINK: (cwickert, 20:11:40) * we should focus on doing more FADs where the focus is on a clearly defined goal rather than on talks (cwickert, 20:19:09) * we have 2 or 3 seats left at CLT for booth personal. if you want to join us and work at the Fedora booth, add yourself at (cwickert, 20:25:35) * LINK: (cwickert, 20:27:16) * LINK: is better (cwickert, 20:27:34) * Sesivany still has F16 media, file a ticket at and assign it to "eischmann" if you need some (cwickert, 20:33:57) * LINK: (arthurbuliva, 20:38:20) * ACTION: t2hot to finish and provide details about payment for sponsoring in the trac ticket (cwickert, 20:43:57) * ACTION: cwickert to clean up EMEA events (cwickert, 21:08:29) * ACTION: cwickert to submit Fedora to Linux-Tag (cwickert, 21:12:34) * we need event owners for Linux-Tage Graz and LinuxWochen Vienna (cwickert, 21:13:23) * zoltanh7211 is event owner of LinuxWochen Vienna (cwickert, 21:14:10) * ACTION: zoltanh7211 to create a wiki page about LinuxWochen Vienna (cwickert, 21:14:28) * ACTION: gnokii_ to send out an email about Linux-Tage Graz (cwickert, 21:14:46)
* Action items from previous meetings (cwickert, 21:25:51)
* Open Floor (cwickert, 21:26:39)
Meeting ended at 21:37:45 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * t2hot to finish and provide details about payment for sponsoring in the trac ticket * cwickert to clean up EMEA events * cwickert to submit Fedora to Linux-Tag * zoltanh7211 to create a wiki page about LinuxWochen Vienna * gnokii_ to send out an email about Linux-Tage Graz
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * cwickert * cwickert to clean up EMEA events * cwickert to submit Fedora to Linux-Tag * gnokii_ * gnokii_ to send out an email about Linux-Tage Graz * t2hot * t2hot to finish and provide details about payment for sponsoring in the trac ticket * zoltanh7211 * zoltanh7211 to create a wiki page about LinuxWochen Vienna * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * cwickert (212) * netSys_ (29) * gnokii_ (20) * t2hot (19) * zodbot (18) * jsmith (16) * Sesivany (15) * arthurbuliva (15) * pandaconstantin (14) * Southern_Gentlem (12) * thunderbirdtr (9) * zoltanh7211 (6) * dmaphy (2) * elad661 (2) * Prometheas (1) * kolle (1) * ib54003 (1) * jreznik (1) * gentt (1) * acaleechurn (1)
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