Hello once again dear Ambassadors,
I have to remind everyone, that we urgently need more votes to be able to get Fedora workshop in OSWC.
Please vote us! -votes system is to be closed 15 of September and we desperately need your voice in there!
You have to register into the OSWC-site and it is bit confusing, because you are required to give your uid and password and then the system sends an email where it has generated a random password for you! (weird). Anyhow, use this new password to log in and then go to the URL:
Thank you for supporting us and Fedora in OSWC.
-- Jukka (and also on behalf of Arturo)
On Mon, 2010-07-05 at 16:33 +0200, Jukka Palander wrote:
On Mon, 2010-07-05 at 15:57 +0200, Arturo Fernandez wrote:
Dear Ambassadors and friends,
OSWC 2010 (Open Source World Conference) will be next october in Malaga, Spain. I wrote a paper for a workshop about Fedora Project. The organization of this event is using a system based on votes to choose workshop, keynotes, conferences and so on.
It would be very useful to get a lot of votes, this is the URL to vote:
As Ambassadors in Spain, Jukka Palander and me offered this workshop.
I hope the organization of OSWC 2010 chooses this workshop to spread our project.
Thanks for supporting it!
Cheers, Arturo.
Please, note that you have to register into the service before you can vote. Registration is easy so please do it and support us spreading word about Fedora.
For those, who does not read Spanish, here are requested event contents in English:
Fedora project (45 minutes): -Presentation of Fedora project -What is Fedora? -Philosophy behind Fedora -Users and collaborators -Distribution -How to collaborate with Fedora? -What I can do for Fedora? -Project groups -I am interested... -so where do I start?
Fedora 13 Operating System (1 hour): -Whats new -Installation process -Software ready to use -Spin-offs
Install party (1 hour): -Installation support/help -Problem solving -Technical (and other) questions answered