On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 1:38 AM, Caius Chanace me@kaio.net wrote:
On 12/06/12 16:00, Arif Tri Waluyo wrote:
Additionally: Nick Bebout and Robert 'Bob' Jensen have tied for the remaining seat; a runoff election will be held to determine the remaining seat, beginning Tuesday, June 12, and ending Tuesday, June 19.
Very interesting that a tie was reached.
As Nick Bebout has won on two elections, has election guidelines mentioned about this situation? Just wondering if it had been a common situation for this in past? (My personal thought was see if an extra FAmSCo candidate from APAC can join. :P)
I don't follow here. Nick was elected to FAmSCo. That has no bearing on his being elected to any other governance body and never has had any bearing on it.
While this topic comes up every once in a while because some people don't like others sitting on multiple governance bodies one way to solve that problem is to run yourself.
I would encourage all ambassadors to not be overly focused on regional representation. It is nice to have steering committee members from all regions but I don't view it as critical. Every single FAmSCo member should work hard for ALL ambassadors.