-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Re: Need your help in organizing a Fedora Women Day event at Pune Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016 19:03:18 +0530 From: Amit Shah amit.shah@redhat.com To: Priyanka Nag pnag@redhat.com CC: Kushal Das kdas@redhat.com, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala huzaifas@redhat.com, Pravin Satpute psatpute@redhat.com, Parag Nemade pnemade@redhat.com, Amita Sharma amsharma@redhat.com
On (Wed) 15 Jun 2016 [18:45:36], Priyanka Nag wrote:
Thank you so much for your feedback Amit. @Amita, could you start a thread on the ambassador's list as Amit has suggested? And about the plan or agenda, we don't have much to share as such...this is all we have as of now
My suggestions:
- Have people come up and speak on opportunities for women in the Fedora Project (and open source in general)
- Showcase contributions by women in Fedora
- Talk about this new Diversity group and how it'll help
- Try to get college people (women profs, women students) attend the event - Collectively, I think we have contacts at MIT Pune, SICSR, COEP, Indira Instt of Tech -- there should be more that I forget / don't know of.
- Similarly, talk to other women in our circles working close by in Magarpatta to check if they can come attend / talk if they have open source experience.
It'll be great if proceedings are recorded in some way - video or text transcriptions, so that the message reaches a much wider audience than the one that's participating physically.
Also, I expect most presenters to be male; will this send out a confusing message? Or, are there women members who can step up to the challenge and prepare material before the sessions? It's always better to have people who have done stuff talk about it rather than just highlighting someone else's achievements -- so hopefully this serves as a good launchpad for local women to actually start doing something so the next year's event is much better.
Waiting for more feedback from others on the thread :)
BTW the Ambassadors won't be able to come up with budget, so if you need any, it'll be better to get the site team involved.