Hi all,
I have a conflict with tonight's NA Ambassadors meeting, so here's a few updates from me before that.
(1) The next Fedora Ambassadors Training session in Fedora Classroom will be on Thursday at 1500 UTC. See a separate emali
(2) 10,000 case badges have been ordered, which we'll be sharing with all parts of the world. I'll bring a bunch with me to FOSDEM and then distribute them among EMEA Ambassadors, and I'll mail some to other parts of the world as well.
(3) Planning continues for the
This FAD is not meant to be the place where specific events are planned, but rather it's an opportunity to make sure that all the processes around events, budget, reimbursements, etc. are clear and up to date, for all regions of the world. At least, that's my goal for the event. Mel Chua is leading the organization of this event. Remote participation will definitely be possible via IRC and gobby, and I think that Ambassadors all over the world will be interested in the results.
(3) Fedora 12 media in EMEA -- it looks like all of the shipments were made to folks in different areas.
Further followup that is needed, now that the vacations are over:
* Working with Sascha to figure out the plan for future media in EMEA, and allowing him to have more involvement with the production company. That's my responsibility to follow-up.
* Making sure that we have media in the right places for upcoming events. FOSDEM and CLT, in particular. Joerg/Sascha/Frederic -- are we in good shape for those events? Do we have enough media for both, and a plan to get it to the event?
(4) One of the things that is also on my TODO list is to get a wiki page written up that has the process for getting media produced in all regions of the world -- since we're probably going to be looking at new processes in both EMEA and NA, it makes sense to just write it all down in one place.