Hi guys, I hope you're doing fine.
I would like to get some guidance/opinions regarding this subject. The default screensaver for xfce spin is xscreensaver that I didn't like it. Reading about how to make it more appealing I found this:
Which made me feel more fond to it, but I kept reading and found that light-locker can do the work without sacrificing (too much?) security.
That brings one of my questions, is light-locker secure enough to be a replacement for xscreensaver?
Then, I set up a VM to test this instructions regarding installing light-locker:
which basically says:
* sudo dnf install light-locker
* sudo dnf remove xscreensaver*
* reboot system
but they didn't work with this error
$ xflock4
Property "/general/LockCommand" does not exist on channel "xfce4-session".
Doing more research led me to this:
That adds this line '<property name="LockCommand" type="string" value=""/>' , without quotes, to the file /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml.
The patch is for xfce4-session 4.12.0 and the version installed is 4.12.1-9.fc25. I checked the file in question and it doesn't have the line therefore I added to it.
Now, xflock4 doesn't show any error but the screen is not getting locked. So, I kept researching and found this:
that recommends create the property for the 'gnome-screensaver'.
$ xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -p /general/LockCommand -s "dm-tool lock" --create -t string
after executing the above line, xflock4 works with light-locker.
Now I have some doubts if the procedure is fine or if there is a better way to achieve this? And regarding the line added, is this something that could be included in the system?
Thank you all for the help!