Description of problem:
Default interface needs to be more usable. The following improvements should be made.
1) Change the default menu from Application Menu to the Whisker Menu with name showing. Whisker Menu Icon only is to small to click on.
2) Set Whisper menu to open by default on Windows Key. Most people are use to that.
3) Fedora logo for the Whisker menu would probably look nice as a default
4) Screen casting needs to be built in. Perhaps an implementation that can go on the XFCE4 menu as an icon that can be pressed to open a menu option. I am not aware of any casting solution in Linux that works on Fedora.
5) There needs to be a way to handle programs freezing up that doesn't lock up the interface. Right now, a program ran in Wine that freezes up will lock up the computer so you can't do anything. Alt+Tab does not work. Alt+Tab needs to work in no matter what program freezes up.
6) Open Directory buttons in browsers need to actually open a directory and not open some search tool.
7) Folders need to have a built in File search by default. The light weightness of XFCE needs to be maintained in this new file explorer.
8) Consider having default tools installed so people more unfamiliar with Linux have some default they can use and learn things on. For example, have Gimp and Kdenlive installed by default. I don't know if those are the best defaults but that is an idea.
9) It needs to come with an software manager that can handle the installation and updates of FlatPaks.
10) DNFDragora should not have the default category label width so far apart that you can't see the fact that there are more then two categories describing a piece of software.
11) Transferring files should not lock up the interface.