Hi, we've successfully removed Python 2 from default Workstation installation
years ago, today I'd like to see if we could do it in Xfce Spin as well.
For those not in the picture: Python 2 ill EOL in 11 months, 22 days [0].
We are trying to get rid of it as much as possible in Fedora [1][2].
Eliminating Python 2 from our defualt installations is an important step here.
Today, if I try to uninstall python2 from Xfce spin (rawhide), this is what gets
removed as dependent:
Several others go as no longer needed, mostly python2 libs, but also:
While I doubt the actual usefulness of gnumeric, what bothers me is:
1. It seems that the Bluetooth stack is entirely gone. Do we have an viable
2. If openconnect is not needed on Workstation, why is it needed in Xfce?
3. Can we set keyboards/users with some alternatives? system-config-* still link
to fedorahosted as upstream and haven't received an update in years. They seem
pretty upstream dead to me.
4. Catfish is Python 3 compatible, but the Fedora maintainer is not [4].
Thanks for tips.
[0] https://pythonclock.org/
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Mass_Python_2_Package_Removal
[3] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/catfish/pull-request/1#
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok
Hi All,
Would you please consider including the Florence on screen keyboard
for those of us that have to boot those obnoxious Apple iMac's into
Live USB? They Artsy-fartsy keyboard is blue tooth. (I carry a
mouse with me as I hate Apple's mice.)
Many thanks,
Hi guys,
I'm Andi 29 y.o. from Germany. I'm interested on helping you on developement/testing the Fedoa XFCE Spin.
My programming skills: Python, Java, Java Script, C/C++.
Which way would be the best to get started on this project?
Hi All,
Would you please consider including the Florence on screen keyboard
for those of us that have to boot those obnoxious Apple iMac's into
Live USB? They Artsy-fartsy keyboard is blue tooth. (I carry a
mouse with me as I hate Apple's mice.)
Many thanks,