Though, my cheese badge suggestion will not win the race, I'll try now
with some improvements to the criteria.
> Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 09:38:24 -0600
> From: Kevin Fenzi <kevin(a)>
> To: xfce(a)
> Subject: Re: XFCE SIG Badge
> Message-ID: <20141027093824.1e313745(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> I'd think having a few folks hand out the badge sounds best to me.
> Perhaps me and Christoph to start with?
Sounds senseful.
> We could have some simple critera:
> * Have added the Xfce sig note to their wiki page
> * Are subscribed to the Xfce mailing list
> Any other criteria folks can think of?
+ Self introduction has been done to the mailing list, at least there
should be one mail available here in the list with senseful content
(well, I don't write senseful things either). Otherwise we would have
honored spammers for their work. ;o)
+ Maybe something else additionally what I can not imagine now.