Am Freitag, den 10.02.2012, 17:09 +0000 schrieb Kevin Fenzi:
> commit 6690f0db6e5e48403122f8fda9a9fefbd1f9b640
> Author: Kevin Fenzi <kevin(a)>
> Date: Fri Feb 10 10:08:40 2012 -0700
> xfce: Drop quodlibet for now until we can sort out dep issues.
How about replacing quodlibet with pragha?
I know pragha is not as powerful as quodlibet, e.g. it doesn't do
internet radio or and come with a standalone tagging application, but
there are some things I like about it:
* It's written in C and has a very lightweight memory footprint
(much unlike quodlibet, which is written in python).
* It's using GStreamer now, so it can be easily extended with
other codecs.
* It perfectly integrated with Xfce: Take a look at the settings
dialog and you'll see what I mean. It now even builds against
exo and supports saving playlists with the Xfce session.
* It supports hotkeys out of the box, we could drop the patches we
have for quodlibet in libxfceui4.
* It just reached 1.0.
What do you guys think? Is it mature enough? Can it compete with