I have been trying the new Plymouth theme that the KDE SIG team put on there copr site. My initial test resulted in a blank screen.
Looking at the breeze.plymouth file it has this:
[script] ImageDir=/lib/plymouth/themes/breeze ScriptFile=/lib/plymouth/themes/breeze/breeze.script
Am I missing something or should the locations point to:
Yep, I concur. Even with the fix, I've got only the solid blue background on startup though. On shutdown I get the K logo in the middle.
On Monday 07 Mar 2016 16:43:39 Sinan Haliyo wrote:
Yep, I concur.
Thanks for checking,
Even with the fix, I've got only the solid blue background on startup though. On shutdown I get the K logo in the middle.
Here I get the reverse, a solid blue screen on logout and more puzzling my usual theme "charge" on startup.
I'll see if I can find more info on kde.bugs time permitting.
On Tuesday 08 March 2016 01:01 AM, Colin J Thomson wrote:
Even with the fix, I've got only the solid blue background on startup though. On shutdown I get the K logo in the middle.
Here I get the reverse, a solid blue screen on logout and more puzzling my usual theme "charge" on startup.
For me, I get my usual "dark-blue / light-blue / white" progress-bar-like thing (whatever theme that is) at boot. At shutdown, I don't see anything particular, except that it takes a long time to shutdown, showing me blank screen during the wait.
As for the grub theme (mentioned in the same blog post), I get a blue background with low-res big font text that's just ugly. :-(
On Monday 07 Mar 2016 19:31:51 Colin J Thomson wrote:
On Monday 07 Mar 2016 16:43:39 Sinan Haliyo wrote:
Yep, I concur.
Thanks for checking,
Even with the fix, I've got only the solid blue background on startup though. On shutdown I get the K logo in the middle.
Here I get the reverse, a solid blue screen on logout and more puzzling my usual theme "charge" on startup.
I'll see if I can find more info on kde.bugs time permitting.
Well there seems to be a fair few reports over the years that plymouth-set- default-theme xxx --rebuild-initrd does not work correctly. Too many to list here but a search on Bugzilla bought up a fair few.
I'll keep searching but to me it seems plymouth could be the problem.