On one computer, switch user is slow to impossible to use.
sddm seems to cause Xorg to hang and I don't know how to debug it.
I have to ssh in from a different computer and kill all processes to get
into the computer again. Keyboard is useless but mouse pointer moves.
Caps and numlock keys don't work either.
On a reboot, it is not bad but after a few hours, it gets really awful
and, like tonight, I had to login from a different computer to kill all
user processes.
I don't know if this is related to freezes and crashes on other
computers using KDE that I am seeing. One computer that has a full
screen crash almost weekly, I cannot ssh into as I don't have a second
computer allowed on the network.
I had issues on F28 but since the second last kernel update, it has been
As I need to use the cuda processors for some of the programs I am
using, I need the closed source nvidia drivers on this computer. The
other two computers are using nouveau drivers.