On 01/29/2013 05:51 AM, Daniel Vrátil wrote:
On Tuesday 29 of January 2013 11:11:14 Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 29.01.2013 11:07, schrieb Eli Wapniarski:
Hey Rex!!!!!
I had a big problem with the latest 4.9.5-4 updates from the kde-testing repos.
They installed just fine but when I tried to log in, I immediately got bumped back to the login in screen.
It was a real pain to find the 4.9.5-3 packages again.
there is a temporary workaround described in the bug report: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=905371
I've fixed this is Fedora repositories, but we have to wait for Rex to push the update to [kde-testing].
fixed builds are now in kde-testing too.
Sorry for the hiccup.
-- rex