Hi Jatin,
I'm the coordinator of Japanese translation team.
Welcome to Fedora Japanese translation team. I approved your request.
This list is generally used for review requests. It is better if you post a
review request in Japanese.
2021年2月21日(日) 13:50 jatin <jatin1812(a)protonmail.com>:
> Hi fedora l10n team,
> I have contributed to Fedora Japanese translations from my fedora account
> "jatin1812", however I want to do this full time. Also as a long time linux
> contributor I have contributed to projects like Lutris, rpm packages and
> other softwares. I am fluent in Japanese English as well as Hindi. I would
> love to join the l10n team and improve japanese translations starting with
> getfedora.org. You can review my translations on weblate. I have signed
> the CA and waiting for the invite to the mailing list and the group. You
> can review my other contributions on github.com/jatin-cbs
> Thanks and Regards,
> Jatin Garg
> ジャティン
Hajime Taira
Senior Solution Architect - Telco
Red Hat K.K.
Ebisu Neonato 3F, 4-1-18, Ebisu,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 150-0013