We have a question regarding the translation of Red Hat trademarks, "Red
Hat Network" precisely.
Should it be translated, the "Network" word? As I understand, "Red Hat"
may not be translated in any case, unless Red Hat Inc. does not say
Can someone from @redhat.com state what is a company policy on this
issue please? This should be helpfull in other cases as well.
Igor Nestorović
Home Page: http://jung.ekof.bg.ac.yu
ICQ UIN: 31079000
Hi all,
if anyone is interested in an sgml2pot toolchain, please contact me off-list.
Michael H. Smith Red Hat Asia-Pacific
Ph: +61 7 3514 8103 Level 2/5 Gardner Close
Fx: +61 7 3514 8199 Milton, QLD 4064
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