Dear potential SIG contributor,
You're receiving this message because you're subscribed to one of the general relevant Fedora mailing lists, or because our awesome minion-finding powers have detected your interest in fonts and text rendering/layouting in Fedora, EPEL or OLPC¹.
Last month's consultation showed there was enough possible contributors and needed work to justify creating a Fedora Fonts Special Interest Group.
To get the ball rolling I've started seeding a Fonts SIG space in the Fedora wiki:
Recently, the Fedora infrastructure team created us a mailing list to coordinate SIG activities: In addition to human posts I intend to get it CCed on every font-related bug in our bugzilla.
That means we have enough infrastructure to open shop, and I hereby declare the Fonts SIG born.
If you are interested in the Fonts SIG, please: — read the wiki, and the proposed Fonts SIG charter, — subscribe to the mailing list, — let us know there where you want the SIG to evolve — and what *you* are ready to contribute to make this evolution happen
(in particular only respond to this message on fedora-fonts-list!)
I've created the SIG but we can make it live. It's not a tool to implement my personal vision². It's not some sort of public to-do list either.
Stuff will happen because we make it happen. SIG organisation is only there to help implement our wishes; I've sadly no access to magical fairies ready to do the work in our stead.
I hope to find many of you on on the Fonts SIG list!
¹ ie you already maintain or co-maintain a fonts-related package in Fedora (fonts, major text layouting library, font tool…), or made the mistake to ask about fonts on one of the Fedora lists I read
² Visions are for people standing too long under the sun, and there's been a distinct lack of it here recently