Javier Herazo
Panama city, Panama
FAS: javidonosti01
language: Español
Student status: Studing at Universidad Tecnologica de Panama
About me: My name is Javier Herazo and I want to participate in Fedora's group, Translation group to learn how to contribute to the community and that more people from Latin America to hear the project and that the language is not an impediment to this.
Me and the Fedora project: I started using Fedora 13, as another user, but this year i have had the opportunity to belong to a project called "Escuelita Fedora" where I am introducing in the translation and documentation projects for the Fedora group with other people.
gpg: B367FC21
fingerprint: 0738 7AEA 2839 08A8 FE16 1A2E 0F23 FA3F B367 FC21
.. Javier Herazo
2011/6/25 Javier Herazo javi01dnarra@gmail.com:
Javier Herazo
Welcome to the Fedora L10N Project!
Please, join trans-es@lists.fedoraproject.org list too.
The Spanish Team uses that list for translation dicussions.
We have a new guide at [1].
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Guide
kind regards
Domingo Becker (es)