Hi everyone!
I'm Carlos Manso, and my native language is Spanish, but also, I can speak
English and Catalan.
- Name: Carlos Manso
- Location: Barcelona, Spain
- Login: chiec
- Language: Spanish
- Profession or Student status:Studying "Bachelor’s degree in
Audiovisual Systems Engineering"
- About You: I'm a Linux "power user", I've been with Linux since I was
8 years old, I've tried Slackware, Debian, Gentoo, Ubuntu, but I prefer
Fedora :)
- You and the Fedora Project: I want to help since I only received from
the Linux community, and since I have very little programming experience, I
can't help with the OS itself, but one day I hope I will.
- GPG KEYID and fingerprint:
[chiec@k54c ~]$ gpg --fingerprint 4B113453
pub 4096R/F7406530 2013-03-07
Key fingerprint = 6501 29A1 F444 F607 B383 1197 1FEE AD95 F740 6530
uid Carlos Manso <carlos.manso(a)gmail.com>
sub 4096R/4B113453 2013-03-07
I think this is everything, I just applied to the cvsl10n, so I'm waiting